
public final class GoogleMapOptions extends Object
implements Parcelable Parcelable

Defines configuration GoogleMapOptions for a GoogleMap. These options can be used when adding a map to your application programmatically (as opposed to via XML). If you are using a MapFragment, you can pass these options in using the static factory method MapFragment.newInstance(GoogleMapOptions). If you are using a MapView, you can pass these options in using the constructor MapView.MapView(Context, GoogleMapOptions).

If you add a map using XML, then you can apply these options using custom XML tags.

Inherited Constant Summary

Public Constructor Summary

Creates a new GoogleMapOptions object.

Public Method Summary

ambientEnabled(boolean enabled)
Specifies whether ambient-mode styling should be enabled.
backgroundColor(Integer backgroundColor)
Sets the map background color.
camera(CameraPosition camera)
Specifies the initial camera position for the map (specify null to use the default camera position).
compassEnabled(boolean enabled)
Specifies whether the compass should be enabled.
static GoogleMapOptions
createFromAttributes(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)
Creates a GoogleMapsOptions from the AttributeSet.
Returns the ambientEnabled option, or null if unspecified.
Returns the current backgroundColor for the map, or null if unspecified.
Returns the camera option, or null if unspecified.
Returns the compassEnabled option, or null if unspecified.
Returns the LatLngBounds used to constrain the camera target, or null if unspecified.
Returns the liteMode option, or null if unspecified.
Returns the mapColorScheme option, or Scheme.LIGHT default if unspecified.
Returns the mapId, or null if unspecified.
Returns the mapToolbarEnabled option, or null if unspecified.
Returns the mapType option, or -1 if unspecified.
Returns the maximum zoom level preference, or null if unspecified.
Returns the minimum zoom level preference, or null if unspecified.
Returns the rotateGesturesEnabled option, or null if unspecified.
Returns the scrollGesturesEnabled option, or null if unspecified.
Returns the scrollGesturesEnabledDuringRotateOrZoom option, or null if unspecified.
Returns the tiltGesturesEnabled option, or null if unspecified.
Returns the useViewLifecycleInFragment option, or null if unspecified.
Returns the zOrderOnTop option, or null if unspecified.
Returns the zoomControlsEnabled option, or null if unspecified.
Returns the zoomGesturesEnabled option, or null if unspecified.
latLngBoundsForCameraTarget(LatLngBounds llbounds)
Specifies a LatLngBounds to constrain the camera target, so that when users scroll and pan the map, the camera target does not move outside these bounds.
liteMode(boolean enabled)
Specifies whether the map should be created in lite mode.
mapColorScheme(int mapColorScheme)
Specifies a change to the initial map color scheme, default is MapColorScheme.LIGHT.
mapId(String mapId)
Specifies the map's ID.
mapToolbarEnabled(boolean enabled)
Specifies whether the mapToolbar should be enabled.
mapType(int mapType)
Specifies a change to the initial map type.
maxZoomPreference(float maxZoomPreference)
Specifies a preferred upper bound for camera zoom.
minZoomPreference(float minZoomPreference)
Specifies a preferred lower bound for camera zoom.
rotateGesturesEnabled(boolean enabled)
Specifies whether rotate gestures should be enabled.
scrollGesturesEnabled(boolean enabled)
Specifies whether scroll gestures should be enabled.
scrollGesturesEnabledDuringRotateOrZoom(boolean enabled)
Specifies whether scroll gestures should be enabled during rotate and zoom gestures.
tiltGesturesEnabled(boolean enabled)
Specifies whether tilt gestures should be enabled.
useViewLifecycleInFragment(boolean useViewLifecycleInFragment)
When using a MapFragment, this flag specifies whether the lifecycle of the map should be tied to the fragment's view or the fragment itself.
writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags)
zOrderOnTop(boolean zOrderOnTop)
Control whether the map view's surface is placed on top of its window.
zoomControlsEnabled(boolean enabled)
Specifies whether the zoom controls should be enabled.
zoomGesturesEnabled(boolean enabled)
Specifies whether zoom gestures should be enabled.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Constructors

public GoogleMapOptions ()

Creates a new GoogleMapOptions object.

Public Methods

public GoogleMapOptions ambientEnabled (boolean enabled)

Specifies whether ambient-mode styling should be enabled. The default value is false. When enabled, ambient-styled maps can be displayed when an Ambiactive device enters ambient mode.

public GoogleMapOptions backgroundColor (Integer backgroundColor)

Sets the map background color. This is the color that shows underneath map tiles and displays whenever the renderer does not have a tile available for a portion of the viewport.

backgroundColor the color to show in the background of the map. If null is supplied then the map uses the default renderer background color.

public GoogleMapOptions camera (CameraPosition camera)

Specifies the initial camera position for the map (specify null to use the default camera position).

public GoogleMapOptions compassEnabled (boolean enabled)

Specifies whether the compass should be enabled. See UiSettings.setCompassEnabled(boolean) for more details. The default value is true.

public static GoogleMapOptions createFromAttributes (Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

Creates a GoogleMapsOptions from the AttributeSet.

public Boolean getAmbientEnabled ()

Returns the ambientEnabled option, or null if unspecified.

public Integer getBackgroundColor ()

Returns the current backgroundColor for the map, or null if unspecified.

public CameraPosition getCamera ()

Returns the camera option, or null if unspecified.

public Boolean getCompassEnabled ()

Returns the compassEnabled option, or null if unspecified.

public LatLngBounds getLatLngBoundsForCameraTarget ()

Returns the LatLngBounds used to constrain the camera target, or null if unspecified.

public Boolean getLiteMode ()

Returns the liteMode option, or null if unspecified.

public int getMapColorScheme ()

Returns the mapColorScheme option, or Scheme.LIGHT default if unspecified.

public String getMapId ()

Returns the mapId, or null if unspecified.

public Boolean getMapToolbarEnabled ()

Returns the mapToolbarEnabled option, or null if unspecified.

public int getMapType ()

Returns the mapType option, or -1 if unspecified.

public Float getMaxZoomPreference ()

Returns the maximum zoom level preference, or null if unspecified.

public Float getMinZoomPreference ()

Returns the minimum zoom level preference, or null if unspecified.

public Boolean getRotateGesturesEnabled ()

Returns the rotateGesturesEnabled option, or null if unspecified.

public Boolean getScrollGesturesEnabled ()

Returns the scrollGesturesEnabled option, or null if unspecified.

public Boolean getScrollGesturesEnabledDuringRotateOrZoom ()

Returns the scrollGesturesEnabledDuringRotateOrZoom option, or null if unspecified.

public Boolean getTiltGesturesEnabled ()

Returns the tiltGesturesEnabled option, or null if unspecified.

public Boolean getUseViewLifecycleInFragment ()

Returns the useViewLifecycleInFragment option, or null if unspecified.

public Boolean getZOrderOnTop ()

Returns the zOrderOnTop option, or null if unspecified.

public Boolean getZoomControlsEnabled ()

Returns the zoomControlsEnabled option, or null if unspecified.

public Boolean getZoomGesturesEnabled ()

Returns the zoomGesturesEnabled option, or null if unspecified.

public GoogleMapOptions latLngBoundsForCameraTarget (LatLngBounds llbounds)

Specifies a LatLngBounds to constrain the camera target, so that when users scroll and pan the map, the camera target does not move outside these bounds.

See GoogleMap.setLatLngBoundsForCameraTarget(LatLngBounds) for details.

public GoogleMapOptions liteMode (boolean enabled)

Specifies whether the map should be created in lite mode. The default value is false. If lite mode is enabled, maps will load as static images. This improves performance in the case where a lot of maps need to be displayed at the same time, for example in a scrolling list, however lite-mode maps cannot be panned or zoomed by the user, or tilted or rotated at all.

public GoogleMapOptions mapColorScheme (int mapColorScheme)

Specifies a change to the initial map color scheme, default is MapColorScheme.LIGHT.

public GoogleMapOptions mapId (String mapId)

Specifies the map's ID.

public GoogleMapOptions mapToolbarEnabled (boolean enabled)

Specifies whether the mapToolbar should be enabled. See UiSettings.setMapToolbarEnabled(boolean) for more details. The default value is true.

public GoogleMapOptions mapType (int mapType)

Specifies a change to the initial map type.

public GoogleMapOptions maxZoomPreference (float maxZoomPreference)

Specifies a preferred upper bound for camera zoom.

See GoogleMap.setMaxZoomPreference(float) for details.

public GoogleMapOptions minZoomPreference (float minZoomPreference)

Specifies a preferred lower bound for camera zoom.

See GoogleMap.setMinZoomPreference(float) for details.

public GoogleMapOptions rotateGesturesEnabled (boolean enabled)

Specifies whether rotate gestures should be enabled. See UiSettings.setRotateGesturesEnabled(boolean) for more details. The default value is true.

public GoogleMapOptions scrollGesturesEnabled (boolean enabled)

Specifies whether scroll gestures should be enabled. See UiSettings.setScrollGesturesEnabled(boolean) for more details. The default value is true.

public GoogleMapOptions scrollGesturesEnabledDuringRotateOrZoom (boolean enabled)

Specifies whether scroll gestures should be enabled during rotate and zoom gestures. See UiSettings.setScrollGesturesEnabledDuringRotateOrZoom(boolean) for more details. The default value is true.

public GoogleMapOptions tiltGesturesEnabled (boolean enabled)

Specifies whether tilt gestures should be enabled. See UiSettings.setTiltGesturesEnabled(boolean) for more details. The default value is true.

public String toString ()

public GoogleMapOptions useViewLifecycleInFragment (boolean useViewLifecycleInFragment)

When using a MapFragment, this flag specifies whether the lifecycle of the map should be tied to the fragment's view or the fragment itself. The default value is false, tying the lifecycle of the map to the fragment.

Using the lifecycle of the fragment allows faster rendering of the map when the fragment is detached and reattached, because the underlying GL context is preserved. This has the cost that detaching the fragment, but not destroying it, will not release memory used by the map.

Using the lifecycle of a fragment's view means that a map is not reused when the fragment is detached and reattached. This will cause the map to re-render from scratch, which can take a few seconds. It also means that while a fragment is detached, and therefore has no view, all GoogleMap methods will throw NullPointerException.

public void writeToParcel (Parcel out, int flags)

public GoogleMapOptions zOrderOnTop (boolean zOrderOnTop)

Control whether the map view's surface is placed on top of its window. See SurfaceView.setZOrderOnTop(boolean) for more details. Note that this will cover all other views that could appear on the map (e.g., the zoom controls, the my location button).

public GoogleMapOptions zoomControlsEnabled (boolean enabled)

Specifies whether the zoom controls should be enabled. See UiSettings.setZoomControlsEnabled(boolean) for more details. The default value is true.

public GoogleMapOptions zoomGesturesEnabled (boolean enabled)

Specifies whether zoom gestures should be enabled. See UiSettings.setZoomGesturesEnabled(boolean) for more details. The default value is true.