[go: nahoru, domu]

Integration Helper for iOS

The ironSource SDK provides an easy way to verify that you’ve successfully integrated the ironSource SDK and any additional adapters; it also makes sure all required dependencies and frameworks were added for the various Mediated Ad Networks.

The Integration Helper will also portray the compatibility between the SDK and adapter versions. 

Before you start The Integration Helper tool can only be used with SDK 6.3.6 and up.

Integration Helper Function

Once you have finished your integration, call the following function and confirm that everything in your integration is marked as VERIFIED:

[ISIntegrationHelper validateIntegration];

Device Advertising ID

You can easily retrieve your IDFA at the bottom of the log after you call the method, as exemplified below.

Output example:

The Integration Helper tool reviews everything, including Ad Networks you may have intentionally chosen NOT to include in your application. These will appear as MISSING and is no reason for concern.

Important! Once you’ve successfully verified your integration, please remember to remove the integration helper from your code.