[go: nahoru, domu]


My inspiration behind the application is simple, safety. The statistics on the amount of crime against women and children is very scary. That is how SAFE was born and I will attach a document about a story that touched my heart and is inspiration for the application. link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QpHN6I3LCxunVW8tAGKvNLJ4sZ_Gdmy-f63EmiFaU48/edit?usp=sharing

What it does

SAFE is a mobile application that is connected to other SAFE Agents(people in the community). What the application does is that it checks out the area before you go there. And if ever anything were to happen to you, it would trigger an SOS alert for you so friends and family members would be alerted. Then authorities would be alerted by the family.

How we built it

I want to build with a few languages because several stages that have to be implemented for the application to be active. 1.User Configuration 2.Quick Activation 3.Message and Location Sending

Challenges we ran into

Challenges I ran into were creating phone shortcuts so it doesn't override the phones' settings. Other challenges were overcomplicating the application forgetting that I want it to be used by the young and the old.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

I have figured out an out how the application will look. Now I just need to run a few more tests to make sure that the software cannot be hacked to avoid false alerts.

What we learned

I have learned not to skip any step of anything and that research is the biggest best friend anyone can have.

What's next for SAFE

Building the application and educating people about it. Opening their hearts to how it can be beneficial to them. And I will advance SAFE, having more gadgets like small watches for children.

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