[go: nahoru, domu]


Wirecard offers two SEPA payment methods.

SEPA Direct Debit is very popular in Germany, Austria and the Netherlands.

Transaction Types

The following transaction types may be used with both SEPA Direct Debit and SEPA Credit Transfer payment methods. For payment method specific transaction types, please refer to the individual payment method pages.

SEPA void

Wirecard Payment Gateway allows merchants to void SEPA Direct Debit and SEPA Credit Transfer transactions before they are forwarded to the bank for settlement.

This means: It is only possible to void a transaction between the time the transaction request has been received by the Wirecard Payment Gateway for processing and the time the transaction will be forwarded for processing to the bank. Once the payment was processed by the bank and settled, it is no longer possible to void a transaction.

To void an existing pending SEPA Direct Debit or SEPA Credit Transfer transaction, a merchant must

  • send a void-pending-debit or void-pending-credit request.

  • include the parent-transaction-ID.


To ensure proper processing, please take into consideration the following restrictions for SEPA Void transactions:

  • A pending-debit or pending-credit transaction may only be voided before the transaction is batched into a file and sent to the bank for processing.

Batch processing starts at around 10:00 UTC.
  • If a void request is sent after the transaction has been sent to the bank, a Failed response will be returned.

  • Once a corresponding debit or credit transaction exists for the original pending-debit or pending-credit it is no longer possible to void a transaction.

  • A request for a void transaction must contain a parent-transaction ID referring to the pending-debit or pending-credit transaction that should be voided.


The fields used for SEPA Void requests, responses and notifications are the same as the REST API fields. Please refer to REST API Fields or the request example for the fields required in a void-pending-debit or void-pending-credit transaction.

If the amount is sent within the request for the void transaction it will be checked if it is the same amount as in the previous pending-debit or pending-credit request. Partial cancellations are currently not possible.

Only the fields listed below have different properties.

The following elements are mandatory (M) or optional (O) for a request/response/notification. If the respective cell is empty, the field is disregarded or not sent.

Field Request Response Notification Description





This is the amount of the transaction. The amount of the decimal place is dependent of the currency. Min amount €0.01. Max amount €999,999,999.99.

If it is sent within the request it will be validated if it is the same amount like in the pending-debit or pending-credit request.





This is the currency of the requested-amount. Only EUR is accepted.





This is the name of the payment method sepadirectdebit or sepacredit.





Transaction ID of the transaction that needs to be voided.





This is the type for a transaction. For a SEPA Void request, only void-pending-debit, void-debit, void-pending-credit or void-credit are allowed.

SEPA deposit

Occasionally, a consumer send funds back to the merchant, either at the request of the merchant or through his/her own initiative. There are several reasons for this such as a re-payment or a subsequent / supplementary payment for an already existing SEPA Direct Debit transaction.

These supplementary payments enter the Wirecard Payment Gateway as transactions with transaction type deposit and with the payment method wiretransfer.

If the consumer provides the PTRID (Provider Transaction Reference ID) in the descriptor of his transfer, the Wirecard Payment Gateway will attempt to match the deposit with the original SEPA Direct Debit or SEPA Credit Transfer transaction. If the PTRID is not provided or it is not possible to match the transaction, the transaction will remain unmatched.


The following elements are submitted in the IPN (Instant Payment Notification) either mandatory (M) or optional (O):






This is the identification number of the request on the merchant’s side. It must be unique for each request.



This is the type for a transaction. For SEPA Deposit, it is always deposit.



This is the name of the payment method wiretransfer.

XML deposit Notification
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment" xmlns:ns2="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/epa/transaction">
        <status code="201.0000" description="bank:The resource was successfully created." severity="information"/>
    <requested-amount currency="EUR">10.01</requested-amount>
    <descriptor>SONI MR-01</descriptor>
        <payment-method name="wiretransfer"/>
    <Signature xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
            <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315"/>
            <SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256"/>
            <Reference URI="">
                    <Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature"/>
                <DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256"/>
                <X509SubjectName>L=Ascheim,CN=engine.wirecard.sys,OU=Operations,O=Wirecard Technologies GmbH,C=DE</X509SubjectName>
SEPA debit-return and credit-return

A debit-return reverses a debit transaction. It is initiated by the consumer bank

  • if the consumer disputes the transaction

  • if there is a problem with the consumer bank account (e.g. bank account closed)

A credit-return reverses a credit transaction. It is initiated either by

  • the merchant’s bank (e.g. insufficient funds)

  • the consumer’s bank (e.g. bank account closed)

All debit-returns and credit-returns are included in reconciliation files provided by Wirecard Bank and sent to the Wirecard Payment Gateway. The transaction types debit-return and credit-return are then initiated by the Wirecard Payment Gateway. It is not possible for a merchant to request these transaction types.

If possible, a debit-return or credit-return is matched by the Wirecard Payment Gateway (WPG_)_ to its original debit/credit, based on the provider transaction reference ID (PTRID) and the merchant account.

Possible return codes are documented within Return Codes.

SEPA Workflow
  1. Consumer’s bank sends a debit-return or credit-return to Wirecard Bank.

  2. Wirecard Bank forwards the transaction to the WPG.

  3. WPG receives the transaction.

  4. WPG uses the PTRID to find an initial parent debit or parent credit transaction.

    1. If successful, WPG maps the debit-return to a debit or credit-return to a credit.

    2. if not successful, WPG creates a debit-return or credit-return without reference.

  5. WPG sends a notification about the debit-return or credit-return to the merchant.

XML debit-return Notification
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment" xmlns:ns2="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/epa/transaction">
       <status code="201.0001" description="bank:Reason for the return was not specified by the debtor bank" severity="information"/>
    <requested-amount currency="EUR">10.01</requested-amount>
    <descriptor>Sanho XS 234-T</descriptor>
       <payment-method name="sepadirectdebit"/>
    <Signature xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
          <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315"/>
          <SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256"/>
          <Reference URI="">
                <Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature"/>
             <DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256"/>
             <X509SubjectName>L=Ascheim,CN=engine.wirecard.sys,OU=Operations,O=Wirecard Technologies GmbH,C=DE</X509SubjectName>

Dynamic Descriptor

Just like Credit Card it is also possible to use a Dynamic Descriptor with SEPA.


A reconciliation file is available to download by merchants. This allows merchant to have the most up-to-date status for their transactions. For more information about the reconciliation file see chapter Data Reconciliation or please contact Wirecard Merchant Support.

Bank Data Validation

The Wirecard Payment Gateway validates the consumer’s bank data, to ensure transactions with faulty bank data are not forwarded to the bank for processing.

IBAN Validation

Wirecard Payment Gateway validates the consumer’s IBAN in the following manner:

  • The validity of the country code within the IBAN

  • The validity of the country code within the SEPA scheme

  • The structure of the IBAN including:

    • the length of the IBAN based on the issuing country

    • the position of the bank identifier

    • the position of the country code

    • the position of the check digits

  • Check digit verification

BIC Validation

Wirecard Payment Gateway validates the consumer’s BIC in the following manner:

  • The length of the BIC may only be either 8 or 11 characters

  • The validity of the BIC within the SEPA scheme


According to the EU’s SEPA migration directive, as of February 1, 2016, the BIC is no longer required to process cross-border SEPA Direct Debit and SEPA Credit Transfer transactions. The merchant may still submit the BIC along with the IBAN, however, it is no longer a mandatory field.

Depending on the payment method, some providers may still use the BIC as support functionality.

Return Codes

SEPA transactions may be returned by either the merchant or consumer bank for several reasons described below.

SEPA Return Codes
EE Status Code Reason Name Reason Description


Return reason not specified

Reason for the return was not specified by the debtor bank


Debtor / Account holder deceased

Debtor or account holder is deceased


Debtor bank details incorrect

Debtor bank details are incorrect


Debtor account closed

Debtor account is closed


Insufficient funds on debtor account

There are insufficient funds on the debtor bank account


Mandate not valid, not active or cancelled

Mandate reference provided is not valid, not active or cancelled


Transaction forbidden

The payment type is not allowed for this type of account


Invalid Bank Operation Code

Invalid transaction code or incorrect data format (issued by debtor bank)


Duplicate transaction on debtor account

A duplicate transaction has been found on the debtor account


creditor address missing

Missing creditor address (only in the case of direct debit)


missing mandatory mandate information

Incomplete or incorrect mandatory information on the mandate (issued by debtor bank)


Invalid File Format

Data format is invalid for any reason other than grouping indicator


Refund request by End-Customer (payer)

A refund has been requested by the debtor (payer)


Regulatory reasons

Refusal due to regulatory reasons


Invalid due date or execution date

The due date or execution date specified in the request is not within the limits required by the payment method


Incorrect BIC

Bank Identifier Code (BIC) is incorrect or invalid


Amendment of mandate reference

There has been an amendment to the mandate reference provided


Returned due to technical problems

The transaction has been returned due to technical problems.