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Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 8

Package javax.xml.datatype

XML/Java Type Mappings.

See: Description

Package javax.xml.datatype Description

XML/Java Type Mappings.

javax.xml.datatypeAPI provides XML/Java type mappings.

The following XML standards apply:

W3C XML Schema Data Type Java Data Type
xs:date XMLGregorianCalendar
xs:dateTime XMLGregorianCalendar
xs:duration Duration
xs:gDay XMLGregorianCalendar
xs:gMonth XMLGregorianCalendar
xs:gMonthDay XMLGregorianCalendar
xs:gYear XMLGregorianCalendar
xs:gYearMonth XMLGregorianCalendar
xs:time XMLGregorianCalendar

XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model Java Data Type
xdt:dayTimeDuration Duration
xdt:yearMonthDuration Duration

W3C XML Schema data types that have a "natural" mapping to Java types are defined by JSR 31: Java™ Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) Specification, Binding XML Schema to Java Representations. JAXB defined mappings for XML Schema built-in data types include:

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Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 8

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