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Analytics.JS Overview

Angie C. Updated by Angie C.

Overview of the Analytics.js website & SaaS product event tracker solution.

The Analytics.js module allows you to capture every user event from web, mobile, and server side sources. Implementing in your current infrastructure allows you to better understand how exactly users are interacting with your web and mobile apps so that you can tailor marketing and product focus accordingly. Once those events are ingested into CaliberMind, we can activate them into your systems of record and execution, data warehouses, BI solutions, and other destination.

Getting Started

Ask you Customer Success Manager to enable your account for analytics.js. You'll receive instructions to install the CaliberMind analytics tracking script on your website -- allowing you to vastly improve your organization attribution and ABM capabilities. Ask your web developer to join in on the conversation since deployments of web trackers can vary greatly.

Once you have the snippet from your CSM, go here to learn how to install it one your website.

Coding Libraries

Collecting customer data from your website, app, or servers is easy, there are open-source libraries that can also track EVENT into our system using the other languages and methods too:

  • Analytics.js
  • Android
  • HTTP
  • API
  • iOS
  • MeteorJS
  • .NET
  • Node.js
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Ruby

If you're a developer or have a request to learn more about generating events like TRACK, PAGE, IDENTIFY, you can learn more here.

Output and Frequency

Web events sync to the CaliberMind data warehouse every 10 minutes. When using our script, you are not penalized for storage of event data tracked since all data is stored in raw format in the data lake. It's retrieved at the time of analysis such as when building a system view or model such as in attribution or scoring.

GDPR and Privacy

Analytics.js tracks personally-identifiable information such as IP ADDRESS of a visitor. For EU websites, we recommend this tracking code may be fired only after a consent snippet to avoid potential privacy policy violations. Although tracking data in transit to the CaliberMind data warehouse is not retained, the history is retained. Upon opt-out request there are steps available to prevent this person from ever showing up in your database again (such as a 1-way hash). Ask your Customer Success Manager for more information.

How did we do?

Types of Analytics.js Calls

Using Analytics.js to Track Web and Product Events
