Interface BuildCacheServiceFactory<T extends BuildCache>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the type of build cache configuration this factory can handle.

    public interface BuildCacheServiceFactory<T extends BuildCache>
    Factory interface to be provided by build cache service implementations.

    To be able to use a BuildCacheService, the factory that implements this interface and the configuration type (BuildCache) must be registered with the BuildCacheConfiguration.

    In settings.gradle:

         buildCache {
             // Register custom build cache implementation
             registerBuildCacheService(CustomBuildCache, CustomBuildCacheFactory)
             remote(CustomBuildCache) {
                 // configure custom build cache.
    • Method Detail

      • createBuildCacheService

        BuildCacheService createBuildCacheService​(T configuration,
                                                  BuildCacheServiceFactory.Describer describer)
        Creates a build cache service from the given configuration. Implementations should also provide a description via the given describer.