[go: nahoru, domu]


This page documents deployments using dpl v1 which is currently the legacy version. The dpl v2 is released, and we recommend useig it. Please see our blog post for details. dpl v2 documentation can be found here.

Supported Providers #

Continuous Deployment to the following providers is supported:

To deploy to a custom or unsupported provider, use the after-success build stage or script provider.

Uploading Files and skip_cleanup #

When deploying files to a provider, prevent Travis CI from resetting your working directory and deleting all changes made during the build ( git stash --all) by adding skip_cleanup to your .travis.yml:

  skip_cleanup: true

Deploying to Multiple Providers #

Deploying to multiple providers is possible by adding the different providers to the deploy section as a list. For example, if you want to deploy to both cloudControl and Heroku, your deploy section would look something like this:

  - provider: cloudcontrol
    deployment: "APP_NAME/DEP_NAME"
  - provider: heroku
    api_key: "YOUR HEROKU API KEY"

Conditional Releases with on: #

Set your build to deploy only in specific circumstances by configuring the on: key for any deployment provider.

  provider: s3
  access_key_id: "YOUR AWS ACCESS KEY"
  secret_access_key: "YOUR AWS SECRET KEY"
  bucket: "S3 Bucket"
  skip_cleanup: true
    branch: release
    condition: $MY_ENV = super_awesome

When all conditions specified in the on: section are met, your build will deploy.

Use the following options to configure conditional deployment:

  • repo: in the form owner_name/repo_name. Deploy only when the build occurs on a particular repository. For example

       provider: s3
         repo: travis-ci/dpl
  • branch: name of the branch. If omitted, this defaults to the app-specific branch, or master. If the branch name is not known ahead of time, you can specify all_branches: true instead of branch: and use other conditions to control your deployment.

  • jdk, node, perl, php, python, ruby, scala, go: for language runtimes that support multiple versions, you can limit the deployment to happen only on the job that matches a specific version.

  • condition: deploy when a single bash condition evaluates to true. This must be a string value, and is equivalent to if [[ <condition> ]]; then <deploy>; fi. For example, $CC = gcc.

  • tags can be true, false or any other string:

    • tags: true: deployment is triggered if and only if $TRAVIS_TAG is set. Depending on your workflow, you may set $TRAVIS_TAG explicitly, even if this is a non-tag build when it was initiated. This causes the branch condition to be ignored.
    • tags: false: deployment is triggered if and only if $TRAVIS_TAG is empty. This also causes the branch condition to be ignored.
    • When tags is not set, or set to any other value, $TRAVIS_TAG is ignored, and the branch condition is considered, if it is set.

Examples of Conditional Deployment #

This example deploys to Appfog only from the staging branch when the test has run on Node.js version 0.11.

language: node_js
  provider: appfog
  user: ...
  api_key: ...
    branch: staging
    node_js: '0.11' # this should be quoted; otherwise, 0.10 would not work

The next example deploys using a custom script deploy.sh, only for builds on the branches staging and production.

  provider: script
  script: deploy.sh
    all_branches: true
    condition: $TRAVIS_BRANCH =~ ^(staging|production)$

The next example deploys using custom scripts deploy_production.sh and deploy_staging.sh depending on the branch that triggered the job.

  - provider: script
    script: deploy_production.sh
      branch: production
  - provider: script
    script: deploy_staging.sh
      branch: staging

The next example deploys to S3 only when $CC is set to gcc.

  provider: s3
  access_key_id: "YOUR AWS ACCESS KEY"
  secret_access_key: "YOUR AWS SECRET KEY"
  skip_cleanup: true
  bucket: "S3 Bucket"
    condition: "$CC = gcc"

This example deploys to GitHub Releases when a tag is set and the Ruby version is 2.0.0.

  provider: releases
  file: "FILE TO UPLOAD"
  skip_cleanup: true
    tags: true
    rvm: 2.0.0

Adding a deployment provider #

We are working on adding support for other PaaS providers. If you host your application with a provider not listed here and you would like to have Travis CI automatically deploy your application, please get in touch.

If you contribute to or experiment with the deploy tool make sure you use the edge version from GitHub:

  provider: awesome-experimental-provider
  edge: true

Pull Requests #

Note that pull request builds skip the deployment step altogether.