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See also: Assoziation





From German Assoziation. Equivalent to assoziate +‎ -ion.




  1. (non-native speakers’ English) Misspelling of association.
    • 1994 February 2, Lux Logis e.V., “HANDSHAKE - looking for artists”, in soc.culture.yugoslavia[1] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-05-07:
      a) Rohrschach-test
      The file "rohrschach" includes gif-files, which could be edited by you. Afterwards the viewer should (could) understand, what you assoziate by viewing the images.
      b) Symbols and their significance
      The file "signs" includes gif-files. Please describe (textual) your assoziation by inspecting the signs and primary sketches.
    • 1995 June 29, Stefan Nobis, “C Set++ Bug?”, in comp.os.os2.programmer.misc[2] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-05-07:
      The sequence in which expressions are evaluated depends on priority-rules and the grouping of the expression. The math-rules of assoziations and Kommutativit„t (don't know the english term) are only true for those operators which are really assoziativ and Kommutativ. If not defined elsewhere, the sequence of evaluation of an expression is undefined.
    • 1997 January 29, Ralf Koester, “Where change association for eMailer”, in soc.culture.yugoslavia[3] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-05-07:
      Win95 internet program have the nice feature to "link to each other". But in my case I use a different mailer. Where now do I change the assoziation?
    • 2000 December 2, rolf, “UML associations”, in microsoft.public.visio.general[4] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-05-07:
      After the placement of an assoziation I'm not able to move the names at the ends of the line to an appropriate position.
    • 2001 April 19, O.Petzold, “casting by an id”, in comp.lang.c++[5] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-05-07:
      How can I cast using an id ? The SerializableFactory::create() creates Barts or Hoomers on the given id using an allways registered creator. The assoziation between ids and loaders is done by a map. The solution could be a template but, how could it look ?
    • 2004 October 6, Dirk Hoffmann, “Assoziation between Interfaces not possible?”, in borland.public.together.edition.eclipse[6] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-05-07:
      I working with TGEC 6.3 and have a problem create an assoziation between 2 interfaces:
      1. If I create an assoziation between two interfaces, together establish a attribute in the interface!?!? How is this possible? Of course it is final, but this is realy not what I want to do.
      2. I remove the wrong attribute and add a get method to access the assoziated object. But now the assoziation link is gone...
      3. I know from TCC 6.2 to add an assoziation between Interfaces (it works in TCC) and like to do the same in TEC:
      /*# Interface2 lnkInterface2; */
      But this doesn't work...
      How I'am be able to do this?