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embassador (plural embassadors)

  1. Archaic form of ambassador.
    • 1589, Richard Hakluyt, The Principall Navigations, Voiages, and Discoveries of the English Nation, [], London: [] George Bishop and Ralph Newberie, deputies to Christopher Barker, [], →OCLC:
      the gentle comfortment and entertainment of the said embassador
    • 1669 [1665], John Nievhoff, translated by John Ogilby, An Embassy from the Eaſt-India Company of the United Provinces, to the Grand Tartar Cham Emperour of China[1], London: John Macock, translation of original in Dutch, →OCLC, page 3:
      After my return from the Weſt Indies, where I had ſome time remained, my occaſions invited me from home a contrary courſe to the Eaſt Indies; where not long after my arrival at Batavia, it was order by the General Maatzuyker, and the honourable Council then reſiding there, to ſend Peter de Goyer and Javob Keyſar as Embaſſadours with Credentials, and a conſiderable train of Attendants, to Peking in China, to the Grand Cham of Tartary, the now Emperour of China, impowering to negotiate concerning a Free and Mutual Commerce with them in his Kingdoms and Territories.

