free world

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See also: Free World



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English Wikipedia has an article on:

free world (uncountable)

  1. (politics) Collectively, all of the countries that have democratic or capitalistic governments, as opposed to dictatorships or communist states.
    • 1958, President Dwight Eisenhower, 3:06 from the start, in President Eisenhower Speaks On The Formosa Situation (1958)[1], British Pathé:
      My friends, we are confronted with a serious situation. But it is typical of the security problems of the world today. Powerful and aggressive forces are constantly probing, now here, now there, to see whether the free world is weakened. In the face of this, there are no easy choices available. It is misleading for anyone to imply that there are. However, the present situation, though serious, is by no means desperate or hopeless.
  2. (literally) Those who are free (not incarcerated, institutionalized, etc.) collectively.
    • 1992 May 8, “Personal advertisement”, in Gay Community News, page 14:
      Young country boy, doing time here in Texas State Prison. Looking for a good friend to write to in the free world.

Derived terms




