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Magickal Origins

Derived from a lesser known tribe in Africa this practice refers to the feminine role of combining the power of male and female energy with the intent of gaining access to higher plains of consciousness.(Not to be confused with the newer practice of reading the navel of a new born first child ) This practice was exclusively used in a matriarchal societies and has been heard of less as western culture has become more popular and females in leadership roles aren't as supported. This ritual involves one male and one female usually under the influence of some intoxicant usually used to bring a trance like state. This practice has been attempted by homosexual pairings amongst magical circles around the world for hundreds of years to no avail. So far only male and female pairs have reported results.

Feminine Role The female contributes energy mainly from her navel chakra region (mainly ovaries) each ovary represents the polar opposite life giving spheres of the Feminine being.

Masculine Role The male contributes energy from his root chakra region (mainly testicles)each testicle represents the polar opposite life giving spheres of the masculine being.

The merging of these energies happens in non magical situations during the physical act of the male sperm meeting the female egg during insemination (Cell Mitosis). This ritual creates the same merging of forces without the toll of creating a living being leaving the newly created energy to the people performing the act. This extra energy is used to open doors from a higher energy level perspective. It has been speculated that the participants are channeling the energy used to create souls. There is no basis on this. The ritual is completed by the male ejaculating into the female's navel temporarily merging chakras which will start the process of energy Mitosis. Men and women seem to report different lengths of time before experiencing the effects of this ritual. Women who have claimed not to be in tune with their chakra energy claimed to feel drained for a few hours before rising to a expanding peak of consciousness. Some have described this feeling as feeling like the loss of their personal power before gaining it back 3 fold. Women in tune with their navel chakra describe it very differently. They go on to say that they are forced to learn how to work the new controls of their expanded sphere of consciousness. These people have said that they were able to instinctively catch on very quickly (in minutes) and access this point rather easily. Some sects differ in the practice and even go as far as to make a cut to draw blood for the females navel to before the the sperm is inserted cover account for the physical bond. Those who have bee crazy enough to go this far claims it makes it work better even though people who don't use blood claim to still feel the effects.

 Men have varying report times and experiences also. The ability for men to complete this task correctly is very rare. It was believed that the power for men was

passed through bloodline which required little or no magical training. Everyone outside of this bloodline had to be trained and needed a special sigil created by the bloodline to perform this task.

The women of the matriarchal religion of the old world were trusted as the wisest beings being closest to God (sort of how the male is depicted today)

did not require to be trained as they were believed to be naturally in divine communion with the forces of the universe. Some new age practitioners agree with this way of thinking considering the fact that the female's life creation centers(ovaries) correspond with a higher chakra that her male counterpart who's testicles reside on the most basic primitive point in the kundalini chain.
