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2023 visit by Fumio Kishida to Ukraine
Prime Minister Kishida receiving greetings from President Zelenskyy.
Date21 March 2023 (2023-03-21)
LocationKyiv and Bucha, Ukraine
Typediplomatic visit
  • Fumio Kishida
  • Volodymyr Zelenskyy
  • Non-lethal defense equipment assistance amounting to US$30 million.
  • Assistance including new bilateral grant aid amounting to US$470 million in the energy sector.
  • It was decided that President Zelenskyy to participate online to 49th G7 summit.
  • Agreed to upgrade the bilateral relations to the Special Global Partnership.
  • Agreed to start coordination for the conclusion of Japan-Ukraine Agreement on the Security of Information.

On 21 March 2023, Fumio Kishida, the Prime Minister of Japan, visited Ukraine. This was the first visit to Ukraine by the Prime Minister since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.[1]

Out of security concerns, plans for visit had not been made public prior, and only about ten persons, including his entourages, accompanied him, from India, the first destination on the itinerary.[2]

Kishida became the first Prime Minister to visit battlefields post-World War II.[2][3]


Kishida had been groping to visit Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.[4] Japan will role as the host state for the 49th G7 summit to be held in May 2023, and the situation in Ukraine will be one of the main agenda in this summit, so, Kishida thought it essential for the leader of the host to visit Ukraine and talk directly with Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine.[4] However, due to problems such as ensuring safety of Kishida at the actual place and the convention of advance report to the National Diet,[a] it had not been realized.[4]

On June 2022, it was reported that the leaders of France, Germany and Italy[b] were planning a joint visit to Ukraine before the 48th G7 summit.[6] Since Kishida was scheduled to visit Europe to participate to the summit, he considered visiting Ukraine during this visit, and also considered to participate to the joint visit.[7] However, this plan was abandoned because it would be difficult to keep the visit a secret by the advance report, and it will also cause trouble for the leaders of the three countries who are preparing secretly.[7] On 16 June, the leaders of the three countries visited Ukraine.[8]

After that, Kishida continued to grope for visit to Ukraine, but he was forced to concentrate on domestic affairs such as 2022 Japanese House of Councillors election, Assassination of Shinzo Abe and the Unification Church problem that followed and the plan declined.[7]

The next visit plan was considered in December 2022, after the 210th Session of the National Diet was closed, because the advance report is not required during the recess of the Diet.[7] However, due to the problem of ensuring safety of Kishida, and the leak of the top secret visit plan to the outside, this plan was also abandoned.[7]

On 6 January 2023, Zelenskyy requested Kishida to visit Ukraine in a Telephone conversation, and Kishida replied "I want to consider it".[9] On 20 February 2023, President Joe Biden visits Ukraine, made Kishida the only leader of G7 not to visit Kyiv since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.[10] With the 49th G7 summit to be held in Kishida's hometown in May 2023 approaching, he felt impatient with the situation in which only the leader of the host state had not visited Ukraine.[10]

Visit to Ukraine

External videos
video icon 【ウクライナ電撃訪問へ】岸田首相 経由地のポーランドでの姿をNNNのカメラが捉える (2023/03/21) - Nippon TV NEWS
video icon 岸田首相がウクライナ訪問 ゼレンスキー大統領と連携拡大を表明 (2023/03/22) - BBC News Japan
The same type plane as the one used for the visit

On 19 March 2023, departed from Haneda Airport by the Japanese Air Force One to visit India schedule until 21 March to hold a summit meeting a summit meeting with Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India.[11] On 20 March, Japan-India Summit Meeting was held.[12] The schedule for for this visit to India was unnaturally loose and there was no the Diet schedule related to Kishida on 22 March, there were rumors that he would visit Ukraine.[13][14][c] Regarding the reason why the schedule on 21 March has enough time, people close to the Prime Minister told reporters "We have received an offer from the Indian side to visit Gujarat, the hometown of Modi, and we are considering it now".[16]

当初の日程では22日未明に帰国する予定であったが、インド時間20日19時30分頃にデリーインディラ・ガンディー国際空港(パラム空軍基地)から、ビジネスジェットポーランドジェシュフ=ヤションカ空港に向けて秘密裏に出発した[2][17]Template:仮リンクの運航するボンバルディア グローバル 7500をチャーターし[18] [d]、岸田がインドに向かう約3時間前の19日20時頃に東京国際空港から離陸し、先にインドに向かわせていた[13]木原誠二内閣官房副長官秋葉剛男国家安全保障局長山田重夫外務審議官中込正志外務省欧州局長通訳官、国家安全保障局内閣審議官医師警視庁警備部警護課警護第1係所属の首相警護員(SP)ら10人弱のみが岸田に同行した[20]。岸田が滞在先のホテルを出たことは、インド訪問の同行記者団や政府随行員に知られぬように行われ、外務省の報道担当は「何が起きているのか分からない」と苦渋の表情を浮べた[16]

ジェシュフに到着後は車に乗り換え、約1時間をかけてTemplate:仮リンクに向かった[2][21]プシェムィシルからは列車に乗り換えキーウに向かった[2]ロシア政府には岸田の訪問前に通告していた[2]。岸田が列車に乗り込む様子をNHKNNNのカメラが捉えていた[13][22]。映像では、岸田が黒塗りの車列の先頭車から降り、体格の優れた屈強な現地の警護部隊と思われる男性に付き添われながら列車に乗り込む様子や、段ボール箱[e]を積み込む様子が映されていた[13][22]辛坊治郎は自身がパーソナリティを務める辛坊治郎ズーム そこまで言うか!において、岸田が列車に乗り込む様子が撮影できたのは「意図的なリーク」だと持論を述べた[24]



Kishida visiting The Wall of Remembrance of the Fallen for Ukraine




Ensuring safety of Kishida


Advance report to the National Diet


Result of the meeting


Assistance to Ukraine


"Certain Victory Rice Paddle" and "Origami Crane Lamp"




International reactions





  1. ^ It is customary for the Prime Minister and ministers to report to the board of Committee on Rules and Administration in advance when they make diplomatic visits, during the session of the National Diet.[5]
  2. ^ Emmanuel Macron (President of France), Olaf Scholz (Chancellor of Germany) and Mario Draghi (Prime Minister of Italy).
  3. ^ In the morning paper of 20 March 2023, there was also a political column that proposed and recommended a visit to Kyiv when returning from India.[15]
  4. ^ 機体記号は9H-VIC[18]と報じられており、Flightradar24によれば羽田 - デリー - ジェシュフ=ヤションカ - 羽田の全区間を通じて「VJT258」のコールサインで運航された[19]
  5. ^ 箱の中身は厳島製のしゃもじで、うまい棒の段ボール箱に入れた状態で積み込まれた[23]
  6. ^ 日本国外務省による和文仮訳で、公式な英文名称は "Joint Statement on Special Global Partnership between Japan and Ukraine" である。
  7. ^ 「敵を召し(飯)取る」との意味の験担ぎ[45]


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