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List of Prime-Ministers of Brazil

Portrait Name Term of Office Political Party Government composition Note President


Fernando Henrique Cardoso 1994 1998 4 Years PSDB FHC Cabinet I


FHC's success as Minister of Finance in the Itamar Franco Government, defeating hyperinflation and being considered the "father of the Plano Real", made him successful in the 1994 elections, making him the First Prime Minister of Brazil
Itamar Franco (MDB) (1992-2000)
1998 2002 4 Years FHC Cabinet II


The success of keeping inflation and prices under control made Fernando Henrique more popular and had a great electoral victory in the following elections.
José Serra (PSDB) (2002-2005)
Lula 2002 2005 3 Years PT Lula Cabinet I


With the crises of the blackout and the devaluation of the real, the opposition achieved victory in the 2002 elections, with Lula defeating FHC and becoming Prime Minister.
José Serra (PSDB) (2002-2005)
2005 2006 1 Year Lula Cabinet II


His coalition was dismantled and his cabinet was rebuilt with the 2005 Mensalão scandal, leading to a new coalition this time with physiologicos and former pro-dictatorship parties.
Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB) (2005-2010)
2006 2010 4 Years Lula Cabinet III


The success of social programs such as Bolsa Família and economic progress meant that the image of Lula and his government were not affected by the corruption scandals, which made it possible for him to be re-conducted to the post of prime minister in 2006 and 2010, Left office after being diagnosed with cancer
Dilma Rousseff (PT)(2010-2011)
2010 2011 1 Year and 10 Months Lula Cabinet IV


Dilma Rousseff 2011 2012 1 Years and 7 Months Dilma Cabinet I


The Chief Minister of the Civil House, Dilma Rousseff won the PT's internal elections to be Lula's successor, who left office to treat his newly discovered cancer, maintained the same coalition that took Lula to office, however, the VERDES left Led by Marina Silva due to the party's positions in favor of the Belo Monte Dam, the Transposition of the São Francisco River and the changes in the New Forest Code led to the fall of its first cabinet
Michel Temer (MDB) (2011-2015)
2012 2015 3 Years and 5 Months Dilma Cabinet II


2015 2016 1 Years and 4 months Dilma Cabinet III


The days of July 2013 showed the dissatisfaction of the population with the recent scandal of corruption of the petrolão, however, again, the economic advance and the recent world cup, made possible the re-conduction of Dilma Rousseff to the position of Prime Minister of Brazil, With a new coalition, this time completely left-wing, the government became more radical, however, it did not resist the economic crisis of 2015 and the beginning of Operation Lava Jato.
Aécio Neves (PSDB) (2015-2020)
Lula 2016 2019 3 Years and 8 Months Lula Cabinet V


With the fall of Dilma, Lula wins the internal elections by majority and returns to power with the objective of stopping the economic crisis and restoring the party's popularity, holding his fifth cabinet, but this time, he was not re-elected, much for the erosion of the Dilma government and the rapid fall of Operation Lava-Jato after her new rise to power.
Jair Bolsonaro 2019 2020 1 Years and 5 Months APB Bolsonaro Cabinet


In a new election after decades of PT government, Jair Bolsonaro, an extreme right leader surprises in the elections and becomes prime minister of Brazil embracing the public security and anti-corruption guidelines, however, his coalition and its majority fall during the COVID-19 pandemic, due to his radicalism and his opposition to quarantine, his leadership in the face of deaths and his speeches about vaccines.
Flávio Bolsonaro 2020 2 Months failed to form a majority Jair Bolsonaro's son, Flávio, won the APB's internal elections to become prime minister after his father's fall, but the difficulty between reconciling extreme right-wing radicals and moderates made it impossible for him to form a majority to continue.
Lula 2020 2 Months PT failed to form a majority The Leader of the Left, and former prime minister, Lula, took on the mission of forming a new government, as he is the leader of the opposition and of the second largest party in congress, however, with a congress very far to the right and an image still in recovery, Lula is unable to form a majority.
Geraldo Alckmin 2020 2022 2 Years and 2 Months PSDB Alckmin Cabinet


The Leader of the Center-Right Party, Geraldo Alckmin, took on the mission of forming a new government, due to the downfalls of Jair Bolsonaro and Lula, managing to assemble a mega coalition with a commitment until the end of the pandemic, to achieve stability in the country for vaccination , being the first coalition in the country to bring together 9 parties in a single government
Lula (PT) (2020-Presente)
Jaques Wagner 2022 Present Present PT Wagner Cabinet


With the new 2022 election at stake, after the end of the Alckmin Government, the PT Senator, Jaques Wagner from Bahia, was the winner of the elections, however, as great news, he promised a government of national stabilization due to the great recent events, what did the unexpected coalition with the PSDB, even former rival of the PT