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User:Rajivmah/Books/Machine Learning

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Machine Learning[edit]

Really Artificial Intelligence !![edit]

Natural language processing
Locality-sensitive hashing
Hierarchical Dirichlet process
Latent semantic analysis
Latent Dirichlet allocation
Linear discriminant analysis
Cosine similarity
Word embedding
Document-term matrix
Language model
Thought vector
Vector space model
Sentiment analysis
GloVe (machine learning)
Principal component analysis
T-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding
Brown clustering
Hidden Markov model
Kernel method
Feature learning
Feature engineering
Multilayer perceptron
Independent component analysis
Regularization (mathematics)
Radial basis function
Radial basis function network
Named-entity recognition
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
Nonlinear dimensionality reduction
Restricted Boltzmann machine
Boltzmann machine
Stochastic gradient descent
Vector quantization
Feature extraction
Deep learning
Basis function
K-means clustering
Greedy algorithm
Artificial neural network
Feature selection
Machine learning
Dimensionality reduction
Cluster analysis
Gradient descent
Unsupervised learning
Supervised learning
Singular value decomposition
Pattern recognition
Support vector machine
Multilinear subspace learning
Vector space
Regression analysis
Semi-supervised learning
Dot product
Correlation and dependence
Curse of dimensionality
Artificial intelligence
K-nearest neighbors algorithm
Structured prediction
Anomaly detection
Reinforcement learning
Statistical classification
Email filtering
Multi-label classification
Topic model
Information retrieval
Knowledge extraction
Bias–variance tradeoff
Decision tree learning
Inductive logic programming
Functional programming
Bayesian network
Graphical model
Similarity learning
Recommender system
Sparse dictionary learning
Strong NP-completeness
Ensemble averaging (machine learning)
Part-of-speech tagging
Logistic regression
Multinomial logistic regression
Probit model
Variable kernel density estimation
Boosting (machine learning)
Random forest
Learning vector quantization
No free lunch in search and optimization
Precision and recall
Receiver operating characteristic
Uncertainty coefficient
Document classification
Stochastic grammar
List of datasets for machine learning research
Hierarchical clustering
Multivariate normal distribution
Expectation–maximization algorithm
OPTICS algorithm
HCS clustering algorithm
Fuzzy clustering
Clustering high-dimensional data
Lloyd's algorithm
Probability distribution
Normal distribution
Deterministic algorithm
Single-linkage clustering
Mean shift
Kernel density estimation
Canopy clustering algorithm
Correlation clustering
Basic sequential algorithmic scheme
Davies–Bouldin index
Dunn index
Silhouette (clustering)
Constrained clustering
Rand index
F1 score
Jaccard index
Fowlkes–Mallows index
Mutual information
Confusion matrix
Balanced clustering
Conceptual clustering
Consensus clustering
Data stream clustering
Sequence clustering
Spectral clustering
Nearest neighbor search
Neighbourhood components analysis
Latent class model
Multidimensional scaling
Determining the number of clusters in a data set
Parallel coordinates
Structured data analysis (statistics)
Cluster-weighted modeling
Kernel principal component analysis
Local tangent space alignment
Diffusion map
Semidefinite embedding
Canonical correlation
Feature (machine learning)
Random projection
Semantic mapping (statistics)
Multilinear principal component analysis
Hyperparameter optimization
Weighted correlation network analysis
Sufficient dimension reduction
Topological data analysis
Local outlier factor
Association rule learning
Ensemble learning
Random subspace method
Novelty detection
Change detection
Intrusion detection system
Misuse detection
Markov logic network
Case-based reasoning
Conditional random field
Viterbi algorithm
Linear classifier
Structured support vector machine
Recurrent neural network
Markov decision process
Markov chain
Probabilistic neural network
Time delay neural network
Regulatory feedback network
Feedforward neural network
Hopfield network
Echo state network
Long short-term memory
Self-organizing map
Stochastic neural network
Convolutional neural network
Modular neural network
Committee machine
Autoassociative memory
Holographic associative memory
Turing machine
Adaptive resonance theory
Hierarchical temporal memory
Instantaneously trained neural networks
Spiking neural network
Counterpropagation network
Physical neural network
Optical neural network
Fuzzy logic
List of machine learning concepts
Averaged one-dependence estimators
Group method of data handling
Instance-based learning
Probably approximately correct learning
Ripple-down rules
Logistic model tree
Ensembles of classifiers
Bootstrap aggregating
Level of measurement
Information Fuzzy Networks
Analysis of variance
Naive Bayes classifier
Quadratic classifier
C4.5 algorithm
ID3 algorithm
Generative topographic map
Information bottleneck method
Apriori algorithm
Temporal difference learning
Learning automata
List of artificial intelligence projects
Data pre-processing
Deep belief network
Fictitious play
Learning classifier system
Optimal control
Dynamic treatment regime
Error-driven learning