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User:Waterbug89/Books/Representation Theory of Lie Groups & Lie Algebras

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Representation Theory of Lie Groups & Lie Algebras[edit]

An Elementary Introduction[edit]

Representation theory
Group representation
Lie group
Representation of a Lie group
Lie algebra
Lie algebra representation
Representations of Lie Groups
3-j symbol
6-j symbol
9-j symbol
Adjoint representation of a Lie group
Affine representation
Antifundamental representation
Blattner's conjecture
Borel–Weil theorem
Borel–Weil–Bott theorem
Capelli's identity
Casimir invariant
Clebsch–Gordan coefficients
Coadjoint representation
Discrete series representation
Gelfand pair
Harish-Chandra character
Harish-Chandra class
Infinitesimal character
Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomial
Kirillov character formula
Langlands program
Langlands classification
Langlands dual
Maximal torus
Orbit method
Particle physics and representation theory
Plancherel theorem for spherical functions
Principal series representation
Racah W-coefficient
Real analytic Eisenstein series
Representation theory of SU(2)
Representation theory of the Galilean group
Representation theory of the Lorentz group
Representation theory of the Poincaré group
Representative function
Spin representation
Table of Clebsch–Gordan coefficients
Unitarian trick
Weyl character formula
Wigner D-matrix
Wigner's classification
Wigner–Eckart theorem
Representations of Lie Algebras
Adjoint endomorphism
Affine action
Algebraic character
Dynkin index
Generalized Verma module
Kostant partition function
Representation of a Lie superalgebra
Verma module