Ben Koppelman

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Ben Koppelman (January 2, 1980 –) is an American politician who serves in the North Dakota House of Representatives.


  • Should we try what some of the opponents to this have been saying "just trust the system, keep trying to elect a congressman that will have out interests ahead of their own that the lobbyists cant influence and maybe theyll return the power someday to us" and with twenty trillion dollars in debt, nobody willing to buy that debt anymore, the Federal Reserve instead stealing from us by revaluing our currencies in various ways. There's really no tricks left for accounting for that so we really dont have another thirty forty fifty a hundred years left to turn these things around and I do not want to be judged by history as being one who stood idle and let my childrens future fell by the wayside.
  • It is time that we limit the length of service of members of Congress and return to concept of elected officials being public servants. We are at a crossroads in our country and I believe we can either take steps to save our country or watch it decline into irrelevancy.
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