Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows

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Gabriele dell'Addolorata (Translates: "Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows"

Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, born Francesco Possenti (C.E.1838 – 1862), Italian religious of the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ.

Confidential letters:

  • Also be sure that to the one whom God calls to religious life, he does a great favor that can never be adequately understood. (letter 6)
  • The contentment and joy that I feel within these sacred walls is almost unspeakable, compared to the vain and light worldly pastimes that are enjoyed in the world. Also be sure, oh my father, and believe in a child of yours who speaks to you with his heart on his lips, that I would not trade a quarter of an hour of being before our consoler and our hope, most holy Mary, for a year and as much time as you want with the shows and entertainment of the century. (letter 7)
  • The 24 hours of which the day is made up seem to me like 24 short moments that pass quickly. This is a great comfort to me, knowing that this is the life to which the Lord has called me. (letter 9)
  • I wish you very happy holidays and blessed by his immaculate mother Mary, and also our most tender Mother. This is the heartfelt desire of a child towards his affectionate parent, and towards his siblings, whose spiritual health is important to me. (letter 10)
  • My life is a continuous enjoyment. (letter 13)
  • How well the Lord knows how to repay his servants. (letter 13)
  • I would like you to pay homage to that image of the Sorrowful Madonna that I had, and this can be the memory you can have of me. (letter 13)
  • May the good Mother deign one day to transport us all with Her into the celestial tabernacles, granting us from now on detachment from earthly things and creatures; although due to the merits of the Mother herself, I feel almost completely detached. (letter 15)
  • The grace of religious profession can never be appreciated as much as it deserves. May God and Most Holy Mary bless this Profession of mine, and I fill it with their graces. (letter 17)
  • Why not believe that She, who is so rightly called "Refugium Sintorum", has not turned her merciful pupils towards us? I hope so, and if so, there is nothing else left for me to say to you: surge et veni…. (letter 20)
  • If a voice calls you, don't doubt for a moment, don't say a word about it, throw science, relatives, and the world behind your back, and get to work. Don't flatter the devil by telling you: think about it first. (letter 20)
  • I can tell you that a single aspiration towards Jesus or Mary blessed by them gives more consolation than many deceptions and miseries in the world. (letter 20)
  • I beg you and I adjure you not to focus so much on earthly gains as on those of the soul, since "what does it benefit a man to earn the whole world if he then loses his soul? Only one thing is needed" . (letter 22)
  • If they love their eternal health, never neglect a visit to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to the Most Holy Mary of Sorrows. (letter 23)
  • By the grace of Jesus and Mary I have renounced everything, nor can I find myself happier with what I am. (letter 26)
  • Do not doubt that almsgiving has never impoverished anyone, indeed the blessings of the poor will bring the blessings of heaven upon you and your entire family. (letter 26)
  • In this time, in which the blind world spends its time in entertainment and amusements, know how to deprive yourself of something or entertainment for the love of Jesus and Mary. (letter 27)
  • You must rejoice rather than grieve if the Lord visits you with some inconvenience and trouble, tribulations being ordinarily the character of the elect. (letter 28)
  • I know that your life has been a wheel surrounded not so much by roses and happiness but by tribulations and thorns; well, may the most holy will of Jesus and Mary be done; one day you will reap the fruit. (letter 28)
  • Hurry away from human conversations! These are liars, fake, deceitful. Only the conversation with Jesus and Mary will console you, give you strength, assist you. (letter 28)
  • My Pippo [Pippo, born Filippo Giovannetti, was one of the young saint's dearest and most sincere friends], do you love your health? Flee, for goodness' sake, flee from what I tell you: flee from bad companions, and by these you mean not reckless, naughty, impudent young men or others; no, this would be more difficult to find, but rather those who would like to spoil your heart with beautiful words, with fake friendships. Maybe you understand me. Flee the theaters; ah, unfortunately it is true, and I know from experience, that it is a very difficult thing, indeed very difficult, to enter into them in the grace of God, and to come out without having either lost it or put it in great danger! Avoid conversations, since in such places everything conspires against our soul. Finally flee from bad books, for it is unspeakable how much harm they can do to the heart of a young person. (letter 30)
  • Remember that the way to heaven is narrow. Do not delude yourself that through some good deeds, or through some prayers, or through the fulfillment of some Christian duty you have secured heaven, no, it is not like that. (letter 31)
  • Even a single shortcoming, sufficient to constitute a mortal sin, makes us eternally unhappy. (letter 31)
  • Some would like to combine God and the world, conversations and prayers, theaters and church visits, and feel sure of heaven. Oh, no! This is a deception. (letter 31)
  • God is merciful with those who are afraid of offending him, and stays out of danger, and not with those who go to theatres, competitions, conversations and entertainment with the excuse that "I don't go there to do harm, only to recreate myself from my occupations and toils"; not reflecting that those who love danger will die from it. (letter 31)
  • God always obtains his end from man: either man honors him in his mercy by saving himself, or he honors him in his justice by damning himself; it's up to us to choose; he can't escape from here. (letter 31)
  • Good for me that Mary with her gracious and merciful hand, as one removes a brand from the fire, so she took me out of hell. (letter 33)
  • With this novena of the Most Holy Mary Assumption into heaven I redouble my fervor in recommending you so much to our good Mother so that she may always deign to keep her holy protection beneath you. (letter 33)
  • May the Virgin Mary wish that one day we can all find ourselves together through the merits of the grieving Mother, and through the blood shed by our most loving Lord, who suffered so much for us. (letter 33)
  • If secular people knew the peace, quiet and goods of religious life, religious families would become as populated as cities, and cities deserted. (letter 34)

Quotes about Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows:

  • [Gabriel was] full of life and enthusiasm, animated by a desire for fullness that pushed him beyond worldly and ephemeral realities, to take refuge in Christ. Even today he invites young people to recognize in themselves the desire for life and fulfillment, which cannot ignore the search for God, the encounter with his Word on which to anchor their existence, the service of their brothers, especially the most fragile.
    With his life, short but intense, he left an imprint that endures in all its effectiveness. May the example of this young Passionist religious guide the path of consecrated people and lay faithful in the tension of love towards God and others. (Pope francesco)


  • Gabriele dell'Addolorata, Confidential letters with other writings and prayers, edited by Pierino Di Eugenio, San Gabriele Edizioni, San Gabriele (TE), C.E.2015. ISBN 978-88-88579- 36-8



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