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The Great Invocation

From Wikiquote
From the point of Light within the Mind of God, Let Light stream forth into the minds of men. Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God, Let love stream forth into the hearts of men. May Christ return to Earth.
From the centre where the Will of God is known, Let purpose guide the little wills of men – The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the centre which we call the race of men, Let the Plan of Love and Light work out, And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

The Great Invocation is a 1937 mantra by Alice Bailey.

  • From the point of Light within the Mind of God
  • Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
  • Let Light descend on Earth.

  • From the point of Love within the Heart of God
  • Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
  • May Christ return to Earth.

  • From the centre where the Will of God is known
  • Let purpose guide the little wills of men –
  • The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

  • From the centre which we call the race of men
  • Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
  • And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

  • Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

Quotes about The Great Invocation

  • Some time ago I gave out to the world – under instruction from the Christ – an Invocation that is destined to become of major usefulness in bringing about certain great events. These are:
  1. An outpouring of love and light upon mankind, from Shamballa.
  2. An invocatory appeal to the Christ, the Head of the Hierarchy, to reappear.
  3. The establishing on earth of the divine Plan, to be accomplished willingly by humanity itself.
  • Incidentally, these three events are relatively near, and will be brought about by a conscious working out of the immediate phase of the Plan, which it is the divine intention to bring about to a certain extent, before the reappearance of the Christ. The establishing of right human relations, is the immediate task, and is that phase of the Plan of Love and Light to which humanity can most easily respond, and for which they are already evidencing a sense of responsibility.
  • Little attention has been paid to the factor of invocation as expressed by the people of the world; yet down the ages the invocative cry of humanity has risen to the Hierarchy, and brought response. . . .
  • Now the Great Invocation, as used by the Hierarchy itself, has been given out to the world. So reactionary is human thinking, that the claim made by me, that it is one of the greatest of the world's prayers, and is on a par with the other voiced expressions of spiritual desire and intention, will evoke criticism. That is of no importance . . .
  • The uniqueness connected with the Invocation, consists in the fact that it is, in reality, a great method of integration. It links the Father, the Christ and humanity in one great relationship. . . . The Great Invocation relates the will of the Father (or of Shamballa), the love of the Hierarchy, and the service of Humanity, into one great Triangle of Energies; this triangle will have two major results: the "sealing of the door where evil dwells", and the working out through the Power of God, let loose on earth through the Invocation, of the Plan of Love and Light . . .
  • The Invocation has been sent out by the combined Ashrams of the Masters and by the entire Hierarchy; it is used by its Members with constancy, exactitude and power. It will serve to integrate the two great centres: the Hierarchy and Humanity, and to relate them both in a new and dynamic manner to the "centre where the Will of God is known".
  • I ask you, therefore, during the coming years, to prepare, to use, and to distribute the Invocation, and make it a major endeavour.
  • This invocation is a mantram for "Light and Power" and presents what may be considered a blueprint of the Divine Plan as the Plan is intended to express itself on Earth through the medium of the human race. The Tibetan Teacher and Master of the Wisdom, Djwhal Khul, labored most meticulously with Alice A. Bailey, his amanuensis, to ensure that this ancient Word of power was translated with great exactitude into the English language.
    Today, this mantram is known all over the world as "The Great Invocation"; it has been translated into over a hundred languages and is used on a daily basis by millions of human beings. Every year, World Invocation Day is dedicated to the ceaseless sounding of The Great Invocation - in almost every country of the world.
  • At this time, the Great Invocation is the greatest aid to humanity. The fulcrum, the axis of the Great Invocation, is Christ - the reappearance of the great Lord, [the] Christ...a living individual...
    Mantrams are like chemical or geometrical formulas; changing one word gives the mantram an entirely different result, or makes it misleading, dangerous or useless. Mantrams are transmitters of energy. When the transmitter is not constructed in a particular order, the energies can be destructive or negative, creating confusion and chaos in the subtle planes of human endeavor. Many mental disorders are the result of a misuse of prayers, mantrams and chanting. Let us not forget that the Hierarchy uses the Great Invocation in its original form every day.... Those who, with good intentions, want to change the Great Invocation, would do better to create a totally different invocation of their own - instead of distorting a masterpiece painting with their unskilled brush.

Group Meditations that use the Great Invocation


See Also
