Programming bots on Wikimedia projects

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Skills needed for the course

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  • English language (mandatory)
  • Using contemporary computers (mandatory)
    • Using MS Windows (supported)
    • Using Unix-like operating systems (active) (supported)
      • Using GNU/Linux: Debian or Ubuntu (active) (supported)
      • Using other GNU/Linux distribution (supported)
      • *BSD operating systems (supported)
      • MacOS X (and higher) (supported)
    • Tools (mandatory)
      • GNU tools or equivalent for your operating system (active) (supported) (mandatory)
      • Subversion (active) (supported) (mandatory)
      • ...
  • Programming (mandatory)
    • Introduction to programming (mandatory)
    • Programming languages (one of them) (mandatory)
      • Python (active) (supported)
      • Perl (supported)
      • C#
  • Introduction to Wikimedia and Wikimedia projects (mandatory)

Course topics

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  • (mandatory) -- knowledge is of vital importance for the course; if it has subcategories and subcategories don't have "mandatory" template, this means that you may choose one of the options;
  • (active) -- course is active;
  • (supported) -- course is supported, but not active; this means if you want to choose this path, you will have some support, but not full.

See also

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