User:Dpatel0546/ENES-100/project 3

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Week1 Activities

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Going through and put all previous putt putt golf documentation into project page (edit out time, place, me, we, I, etc.)


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All the previous designs are availablehere


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2010 Competition was grouped into 2 categories based on how the PuttPutt golf greens were designed(played on carpet or actual greens)


  • Many groups chose make a frame of their design and use the carpet on the ground as the "green"
  • Groups that used actual green had massive designs which were clearly too big to transport in my car (sedan)

2014 Presentation

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Link is here

Week2 Activities

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  • Pictures of past PuttPutt golf projects categorized
Windshield Motor
Bouncing Robot
  • Objective:

Go into the back of the engineering room to check how many and what kinds of materials are still left over from past project and could be used for the current project.

  • Link (inventory of materials that could be used for the PuttPutt Project):

Week3 Activities

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The ASCE competition
Elevated yellow greens
Gumball obstacle
JHU design
Maryland colors
McCormick Taylor
Ski ball


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Green designs


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Internal College Event
  • Data shows that after the ball passes the dragon's mouth, the distance between the ball and the hole must be less than 4 feet to maximize the easiness and enjoyment of the course.
  • there are 7 right clubs, 1 left club, and 4 left-right clubs. Total of 12 clubs.

Week4 Activities

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  • Materials for the ramp -


  • Lip

-the green has to be as entertaining and easy for user as possible

-the lip makes the ball bounce which leads to the user getting frustrated and disliking the green

-from data collected at the presentation night, ball putted from within 4 feet of the hole was the simplest

Red ramp at the presentation night


  • presenting to the culinary or the theater department at HCC
  • get input and ideas from outside the engineering department
  • get in contact with the Marketing office to help promote HCC at the ASCE competition
  • diagnosing the lip from the red ramp and using that for our design

Week 5 Activities

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  • Experiment to see how the golf ball performs in different conditions
  • with obstacles, with out obstacles, on carpet, on tile
  • compare the data and eliminate things that might over complicate the course and frustrate the putter




The constant variable was the balls launch angle because the PVC pipe was never adjusted and gravity is always constant.

- Carpet

Trial 1 237.5 inches
Trial 2 240.5 inches
Trial 3 245 inches

-With yoga mat

Trial 1 191 inches
Trial 2 137.5 inches
Trial 3 159 inches


Trial 1 155 inches
Trial 2 126 inches
Trial 3 154.5 inches


These experiments were done specially to see how fast and far the ball would go after it comes out the dragon's mouth from our design

  • mouth is designed to be 12 inches off the playing surface
  • the PVC pipe in the experiment was 12.5 inches off the ground
  • the velocity of the ball should not vary drastically from 12 to 12.5 inch difference

The length of the green must me minimized so it easier to transport, set up and store

  • Distance traveled by the ball from it is ejected from the pipe must be minimum
  • The shorted the ball went between carpet, yoga mat and ramp was 126 inches which was the ramp
  • With an incline of 7 degrees, the ball did not bounce nor did it roll back.

Decision matrix

Speed Distance Appearance Flow
With yoga mat Sean
Carpet (without yoga mat) Stephen Sean
Ramp Darsh, Stephen Darsh, Sean, Stephen Darsh, Sean Darsh, Stephen

Week 6 Activities

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  • combine the yoga mat, PVC pipe, and ramp setups to create a rough design similar to the intended green
  • record data and observe the flow of the course, the difficulty, and the problems

Items list

Items used in the creation of this course were all found in the engineering room

  • yoga mat
  • PVC pipe
  • 2 cardboard sheets
  • 10 2 by 4s
  • 3D printed cone used as funnel
  • tape


  • a blue tape marks the starting point
  • distance between the blue tape and start of ramp is 21.5 inches
  • ramp is 41.5 inches long and 13 inches off the ground.
  • the angle of the ramp is 17.4 degrees
  • the yoga mat is 66 inches long
  • distance between the end of yoga mat and hole is 11 inches
  • course is 15 feet in length


  • This is a basic walkthrough of the course to show what is supposed to happen

Trial 1 First

  • This was just a trial run to see how the course would perform and withhold getting hit by the ball

Trial 2 Second

  • The par for the course is 3 but it took 8 swings to get the ball in the hole
  • Even though attempting to get the ball over the ramp and into the funnel was extremely frustrating, i still had to keep in mind that the course was not fully complete and that in the actually course there would be a box around the top of the funnel which prevents the ball from flying out and causing frustration for the user.

Trial 3 Third

  • Having more playing time and experience with the course, i was now able to improve as a player. This is still a problem because people will not want to spend 10-20 minutes trying to get a ball into a hole. It now took 4 swing to get the ball in the hole.

Trial 4 Fourth

  • It took 4 swing to get the ball in the hole

Trial 5 Fifth

  • It only took 2 swings to get the ball in the hole

Trial 6 Sixth

  • It took 4 swings to get the ball in the hole

3rd party

  • An observer was interested about the design and the course. He wanted to help by providing data and feed back.

3rd Party

  • He never finished his attempt but thought the design was creative and entertain if everything ended up working.


  • There were several noticeable problems with this course
  • The first and most frustrating problem/issue with the course was the judgment of how hard to swing to get the ball over the ramp and into the funnel


Frustration 2

  • The second was the stability and effectiveness of the funnel. The ball tend to bounce off or get stuck on top of it as seen in trial 3 and 4.

Over shooting the funnel

Over shooting funnel 2

  • The third was the bouncing of the ball when it hit the ramp causing it to slow down. This problem was fixed by tapping the edge making the transition smoother.


Fixing the bounce


  • Refining the design by creating walls, supports, and solid forms will improve this project and turn it into one of the most entertaining things the engineering department has ever experienced.
  • With a cleaner look and the HCC logos/design, this project has the ability to win the ASCE competition