User:Eas4200c.f08.radsam/Structures and Materials

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1.1 - Introduction

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Boeing 787

Weight is the key differing factor between aerospace structures and all other structures. It is also the focus of aerospace material design and development, in that materials with high strength and stiffness and light weight are constantly being sought out.

No excess material is allowed in the design of aircraft, and this point alone is a major driving factor for the direction taken in aircraft design. Further still, more restrictions are in place when designing, say, wing structures, in that the wings are originally formed for maximum aerodynamic performance--not structural integrity. Thus, structural solutions are forced to conform to the original aerodynamic designs, reducing the degree of freedom one has in terms of those solutions.

Traditionally, metals such as aluminum and titanium have been employed to fulfill necessary design requirements. Recently, however, advanced composites have been used more and more and at a weight savings of up to 40% over customary metals, too. As an example, the latest Boeing airliner--the 787--uses up to 50 percent composites in its structural components.


1.2 - Basic Structural Elements in Aircraft Structure

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Aircraft structures are composed of several structural elements, which are designed to withstand various types of loads. It is the combination of these elements that make the entire structure of an aircraft capable of resisting applied loads.

For better comprehension of structural mechanics, we must introduce a few important definitions:

  • Stiffness: It is an extensive material property that determines the resistance of an elastic body to deflection.[2] In Engineering, the modulus on elasticity or Young's Modulus (E) is an extremely important characteristic of materials, which shows how much a given material will be able deflect before a permanent deformation occurs. The Young's Modulus or is the radio of applied stress to strain: E = /
  • Strength: The strength of a material is the ability to resist an applied force. In engineering, the Yield strength (y) is defined as "the stress at which a material begins to deform plastically."[3] Elastic or elastoplastic materials are able to withstand certain loads and go back to their original shape when the given load is removed. This effect will occur as long as the applied stress is less than the Yield stress (strength). However, if the applied load exceeds the yield stress, the material will deform permanently even when the load is removed. If the strain or deformation keeps increasing, the material may reach its ultimate rupture stress (u) point where it will break.
  • Toughness: The difference between toughness and fracture toughness is that the former is the ability of a material to resist fracture, while the latter is the ability of the material to resist fracture when a crack is already present. If a material has a high value of fracture toughness, it will most likely undergo ductile fracture. This means that it will have the ability to bend (passed the yield strength) before it fractures. On the other hand, if a material has a low value of fracture toughness, such as ceramics, it will undergo brittle fracture.

1.2.1 - Axial Member

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1.2.3 - The Structural Beam

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1.2.4 - Torsion Member

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1.3 - Wing and Fuselage

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Airplane basic configuration

A wing is a shaped surface used to produce lift for flight through the air. The wing shape is usually an airfoil. Wings are contoured to take maximun advantage of lift, and may be attached at the top, middle, or lower portion of the fuselage. These designs are referred to as high-, mid-, and low-wing respectively. Attached to the rear, or trailing edge, of the wings are two types of control surfaces referred to as ailerons and flaps. Ailerons extend from about the midpoint of each wing outward to the tip and move opposite to each other to achieve rotation movement about the airplane's longitudinal axis. Flaps extend outward from the fuselage to the midpoint of each wing. The flaps move donward so as to generate more lift at lower airspeeds.

Empennage Distribution

The fuselage is an aircraft's main body section that holds the payload. The fuselage also serves to position the wings, powerplant and empennage. The empennage consists of the vertical stabilizer and the horizontal stabilizer. These two surfaces act like the feathers on an arrow to steady the airplane and mantain a straight path through the air.

The wing and the fuselage are the two major airframe components of an airplane, also the horizontal and vertical stabilizers have a very close resemblance to the wing.

1.3.1 - Load Transfer

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1.3.2 - Wing Structure

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1.3.3 - Fuselage

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1.4 - Aircraft Materials

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Material selection has always been a driving force throughout the history of aeronautics. The technology involved with developing new materials has pushed next generation aircraft to be lighter, stronger, and more resistant to nature's elements. From the wood and canvas structures of early aircraft to modern-day titanium alloys and composites, aircraft have come a long way with the help of advances in material.

Currently, the common materials used in aircraft structures are aluminum, titanium, and steel alloys. The advantages and disadvantages of each are listed below:

  • Aluminum is relatively light weight, and has good fatigue life. It is not as strong as other materials and cannot stand high temperatures.
  • Steel Alloys are most used for their high strength. They are heavy and strongly affected by corrosion.
  • Titanium can withstand very high temperatures, and has good resistance to corrosion. It is, however, difficult to machine which makes its manufacturing cost higher.

Another material being used more frequently is fiber-reinforced composites. These composites are manufactured in a careful manner in order to provide maximum strength without being too brittle. Different types of composites exist, such as glass-fiber and carbon-fiber. The mechanical properties for some of these materials yield great strength to weight ratios, which make them an attractive option for aerospace applications.

Look at how far aircraft structures have come due to material influences in the span of a few decades:

  • An early Wright Brothers' airplane made of wood and canvas:
Wright's Brother First Flight
Wright's Brother First Flight
  • A modern-day airplane constructed mostly of composite materials:
Composite Fuselage and Wings
Composite Fuselage and Wings


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  1. "Boeing 787 Roll-out". Retrieved 2008-09-10.
  2. "Stiffness". Retrieved 2008-09-10.
  3. "Yield (Engineering)". Retrieved 2008-09-10.
  4. "Yield (Engineering)". Retrieved 2008-09-10.
  5. Sun, C.T. (2006). Mechanics of Aircraft Structures. pp. 2-4. 
  6. Taken from Mechanics of Aircraft Structures, second edition by C.T. SUN
  7. Taken from Mechanics of Aircraft Structures, second edition by C.T. SUN
  8. Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, fourth edition by John D. Anderson
  9. 9.0 9.1 Roark's Formulas for stress & Strain, 6th Edition, Warren C. Young