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Josh Roberts

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Report 1

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Find a general solution. Check your answer by substitution.



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Note This is a homogenous linear 2nd order ordinary differential equation (ODE) with constant coefficients.

Trial Solution:




Plugging (2),(3), and (4) into (1)


The characteristic equation is


Note The coefficients of this quadratic equation are

The discriminant can be found as follows


Note The discriminant is negative. Therefore, Eq (6) has complex roots of the form




Now The general solution to the ODE is


Plugging known quantities into (9) and (10)

Report 2

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Given the two roots and the initial conditions:

Find the non-homogeneous L2-ODE-CC in standard form and the solution in terms of the initial conditions and the general excitation .

Consider no excitation:

Plot the solution.

Generate 3 non-standard (and non-homogeneous) L2-ODE-CC that admit the 2 values in (3a) p.3-7 as the 2 roots of the corresponding characteristic equation.


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Now Insert the given roots into (1)


By the FOIL method, (2) gives the characteristic equation for the unknown L2-ODE-CC.


From this characteristic equation, (3), we can find the non-homogeneous L2-ODE-CC.


Now It is known from the given roots that the homogeneous L2-ODE-CC has the solution


Therefore, the overall solution is



where is the particular solution.

Now Using the given initial conditions


Differentiating and then inserting the initial condition.



Now Multiplying (2.1.8) by 2 and adding it to (2.1.10)


By inserting (2.1.11) into (2.1.8) and combining like terms is also found.


Now The overall solution is given in terms of the initial conditions.


Now Considering no excitation

Which causes




The homogeneous solution to the L2-ODE-CC is therefore


This solution will now be plotted using MATLAB.

Now Generate 3 non-standard and non-homogeneous L2-ODE-CC that satisfy the roots given in the problem statement.




Exam 1 Material

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Date: Tue, Feb 28, 2012

Study Guide

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Sec 2.1 - Homogeneous L2-ODEs

  • A 2nd order ODE can be called linear if it can be written as


  • Linear in y and its derivatives.
  • This equation is in standard form.

If , then (1) reduces to


which is called a homogeneous L2-ODE.

If , then (1) is called non homogeneous.

  • Superposition Principle (Linearity Principle)
For a homogeneous linear ODE (2), any linear combination of two solutions on an open interval I is again a solution
of (2) on I. In particular, for such an equation, sums and constant multiples of solutions are again solutions.

  • Initial Value Problems

Sec 2.2 - Homogeneous Linear ODEs with Constant Coefficients

These equations take the form


Homogeneous solutions to these equations take the form


and can be solved by the method of trial solution, also known as the method of undetermined coefficients.
The trial solution is


By inserting (5) and its 1st and 2nd derivatives into (4), one can obtain the characteristic equation


Finding the roots to the characteristic equation will allow for the homogeneous solution to be found. We know that for a quadratic equation
such as (6) that there are 3 kinds of roots, depending on the sign of the discriminant ,namely.

(Case 1) Two real roots if
(Case 2) A real double root if
(Case 3) Complex conjugate roots if

  • Case 1

There will be two distinct roots
Therefore, the solution to (4) will be


  • Case 2

If the discriminant is zero it is easily seen that we only get one root (double root), hence only one solution.


  • Case 3

If the discriminant is negative, we know that the roots will be complex and of the form

A basis of real solutions can be obtained that is


Finally, the general solution is


Exam 2 Material

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Date: Tue, Apr 24, 2012