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About me

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Babel user information
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
fr-N Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français.
es-2 Esta persona tiene un conocimiento intermedio del español.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf grundlegendem Niveau.
Users by language

Hello! My name is Guerric. I'm a high school graduate, and am moving to Dresden, Germany in Autumn 2007 to prepare for university study. In order of proficiency, I speak English, French, Spanish, German (soon to beat my rusty Spanish) and Mandarin. My insistence on learning to read and write has greatly hindered my competence in the last.

Hallo! Ich heiße Guerric. Ich habe meine höhere Schule gebeendt, und diese Oktober ich werde zu Deutschland für meinen Studiumien gehen. Entshuldigen Sie mein schlechte Deutsch, aber ich will gerne es lernen.


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I am interested by a number of fields, so you may speak to me about any of these at leisure, preferably in English. Spanish is all right for simple things, and I'd relish the chance to get at some (simple) German text. I don't really love French though, but I can lend a hand.

• Linguistics in generally, and languages (particularly English, German, Spanish, Russian, Mandarin, Arabic, and Polish)

• Politics (on the International, East Asian and European levels, as well as in particular countries in those regions)

• History (Old World history in general)

• Philosophy (particularly the branches dealing with morality, ethics, and existence)

• Sociology & social behaviour sciences

• Political philosophy (particularly pertaining to legitimation, and the relationship between people, politicians and the socioeconomic elite)

• Literature and poetry (from 17th century onwards, but mostly from the mid-1800s; more English, Spanish, and German then anything else)

• "Internet Culture", i.e. how people behave, and what people create, on the Internet

• Bioethics

• Any hybrid topic of two or more of the above