[go: nahoru, domu]

ࡁࡔࡅࡌࡀࡉࡄࡅࡍ ࡖࡄࡉࡉࡀ ࡓࡁࡉࡀ
b-šumaihun ḏ-hiia rabia
In the name of the Great Life

ࡀࡊࡀ ࡌࡀࡍࡃࡀ
ࡀࡊࡀ ࡄࡉࡉࡀ
ࡀࡊࡀ ࡌࡀࡍࡃࡀ ࡖࡄࡉࡉࡀ
aka manda
aka hiia
aka manda ḏ-hiia

ࡌࡔࡀࡁࡀ ࡌࡀࡓࡀࡉ ࡁࡋࡉࡁࡀ ࡃࡀࡊࡉࡀ
mšaba marai b-liba dakia
May my Lord be praised with a pure heart.

ࡀࡎࡂࡉࡀ ࡌࡀࡍࡃࡀ ࡖࡄࡉࡉࡀ ࡋࡊࡅࡊࡁࡉࡀ
asgia manda ḏ-hiia l-kukbia
Manda ḏ-Hayyi went to the stars.
Qolasta 48

Nebulous Quasar:
kukba ḏ-anana
ࡊࡅࡊࡁࡀ ࡖࡀࡍࡀࡍࡀ


Personal projects
The Original Barnstar
Thank you for your contributions to articles on Mandaeism. They help expand the encyclopedia and make more knowledge available. Best of wishes to you in editing and making Wikipedia more complete! VideōEtCorrigō (talk) 16:11, 16 October 2021 (UTC)
The Tireless Contributor Barnstar
I think the articles you have created and edited are useful, especially seeing you found information I could not find before and put it on here fairly quick. Moodgenerator (talk) 18:47, 28 December 2021 (UTC)
The Editor's Barnstar
Great work on the Mandaeans and Mandaean related articles. Mcvti (talk) 16:41, 29 December 2021 (UTC)
This editor is a Veteran Editor II and is entitled to display this Bronze Editor Star.
This user has made over
13,000 edits to Wikipedia.
220+This user has created over 220 articles.
This user has made over
20,000 edits on All Wikis.
This user is one of the 9,000 most active English Wikipedians of all time.
This user is a proud member of WikiProject Religious texts.
This user is interested in Iran.
This user is interested in Iraq.
این کاربر در ویکی‌پدیای فارسی، مشارکت می کند.

I support the Persian language Wikipedia with my contributions.
This user is interested in
Semitic languages.

I am the creator of most of the 200+ Mandaeism articles on Wikipedia, except for a couple of them:

ࡅࡄࡉࡉࡀ ࡆࡀࡊࡉࡍ
u-hiia zakin
And Life is victorious