[go: nahoru, domu]

About this user

  • Dennis Blewett of Rockford, Illinois
    • Dennis Francis Blewett
    • Dennis Francis Blewett Jr.

Wikipedia History

  • has been a member since 2003 or earlier, first account was Nezumi in Japanese Kanji

Academic History

  • B.S. Neuroscience
  • specializes in neurobiology with a sub-speciality in the neurobiology of cognition
  • studies neuroscience, cognitive science, biology, and psychology.
  • studies philosophical schools of thought: transhumanism, cybernetics, and singularity.
  • member of many online communities that revolve around academics and research and development (R&D).

Other interests

  • Cyberman has scattered knowledge of security engineering
  • is a simple webmaster and graphic designer

Views of wikipedia

  • Hates what wikipedia has become: too much fascism and hypocrisy
  • does not like the new-wave of jerkish wikipedians
Example user: Sfan00_IMG
Problems with this user: Contributes only a destructive aspect to Wikipedia rather than a constructive aspect to Wikipedia. Lacks the ability to do anything for the website other than remove things. Does not bother being an editor or correcting things.
  • upholds the old ideas of wikipedia instead of the newfound capitalistic ideals due to media attention and monetary donations
  • is very wise, and doesn't waste time slamming and shutting down degenerates and capitalistic, egotist sophists
  • Was one of the first people pushing for more wikibooks as user Nezumi / Cyberman

Places I can be Found on the Internet


Cyberman is a member of these forums but under different names:

  • Scienceforums.net (Genecks)
  • Scienceforums.com
  • Betterhumans.com
  • Forums.philosophyforums.com (Genecks)
  • Englishforums.com
  • Forodeespanol.com
  • Dutchforce.com (Genecks)

Old stuff that I've taken some time to edit


Member Status


Cyberman is a Wikipedian who decided to help spread free information upon other life forms. They have most likely been a member since 2002-03 but can not remember due to faulty programming in its psycho-biological hardware.



This sounded like something cool to type at the time, for what I recall. Yeah, I've probably been around here on Wikipedia since the years 2002 to 2003. - 02/15/2017

Internet Status


Cyberman has been on the web since 1994 or earlier. It has seen the Internet change through the many years and loves the idea of wikipedia.



If I remember correctly, I have been on the web since 1994 or earlier (at least recall using AOL 3.0). Also, I have used KMart's bluelight (when Internet was free w/ advertising). - 02/15/2017

Societal Status


Cyberman is an anarchist.

Cyberman believes we already live in a state of Anarchy; a world without rules, borders, or boundaries: A world where anything is possible. This is true if you believe the government really can't control you, that law enforcements are societal brainwashed groups of people who were brought into the christian biased norm of "good." Since this norm puts so many controls on scientific research, education, and technological advancement.

Cyberman has discovered over many years that Anarchy needs to be realized. It's not a state to become, it's a state that already is, a state people just haven't come to spiritual awareness to.



Yeah, I'm still an anarchist. No, good luck beating that out of me, maybe I suggest others learn something about diffusion, science, etc.. Occam's razor can be mighty sharp (rhetorical statement). Also, if I remember correctly, I said I referred to myself as "it" for fun or something like fun. W/E, it's my Wikipedia page. I'll do as I like. If you have an issue, there's a name listed. Don't just throw your alleged grievances about things I say on the Internet at me all at once. Ever hear/read about using your big boy or big girl words? Ok, then.

A Poem by Cyberman


It exists once you step outside the box

They keep you in the corner like a fox

For they are the hunter and the master

You don't understand or comprehend

The current situation you're in

They keep your mind in a bend

From their powers you must fend

Their power is you

And you are their pawn

From their point of view,

human resources are easily spawned.

They make you think they have control

When you vote for them you honor their role.

Why this has kept up for hundreds of years..

I do not know @_@?

"Oh, but the consequences!" one shouts

The crazy, the killers, and their bouts

When we lose faith and hope for others

When people start killing their mothers.

When others stop having doubts

Then we are in a round-about

Yet, there is a simple truth

Step inside this phone booth.

As I whisper in your ear,

Something true, but not so smooth.

We already live in a state of Anarchy

Can you not percieve it?

Where the ones with psychological control

The power to control the population as whole

Yet, they keep you in the dark stuffed in a hole

A democracy they say

A republic they say

A "system" they say.

There is no system

The only system is that there is no system

And that their system makes you think there is a system

A system is an idea.

A concept, imaginary at best.

I hope you can figure out the rest.

Just one last thing I thought I'd let you know

Just before I let you go..

They give me this piece of paper

As though it means something

In god we trust our savior

But paper is nothing.

Metallic items conduct at best

Birds like to put them in their nest

Monetary value known far and wide

In the animal kingdom we can't hide

For many, many years people searched for gold

Killed for it, died for it, looked for it being bold

A time of history can be told

I want you to question something, think about it well

If the government took your money, wouldn't that be swell?

They collected the gold and paid with paper...

For those who understand inflation, paper went to hell.

An interesting story I do tell.

They wish that one day the world will come to anarcho-communism.

Cyberman is a member of the [Nacirema] tribe which they believe, may die out soon because of lack of community help towards one another and the inability to comprehend alternative resources.

However the case, Cyberman is a hacker that can summon up resources from dumpster diving, salvaging, and manipulation of the things around them. They have the ability to connect to the Internet 24/7 when needed.

Cyberman could be said to be a person who could be put in any surrounded and succeed without fear or doubt in themself.



1. That's a darn good poem. I'm not touching that poem. Originality matters. 2. It'd be nice for people to realize how chaotic life can be. 3. I'm in America still, I guess. The Nacirema tribe was mentioned as a form of rhetoric. In other words, I've meant that, at the time, I'm in America and have been (was) an American. I feel more like a citizen of the Universe at the moment, though. That may not be an appropriate way to mention it, but whatever. 4. I'm pretty crafty. And if I really felt like just going out of my way to do stuff, there are a lot of resources. Also, if considering the Internet to be kind of a social connective network, then the Internet exists in other ways, rather than just on computers. I think I was trying to sound cool at the time by saying that I had the ability to connect to the Internet 24/7. Not really sure what I was thinking back when I wrote that stuff. I'm kind of using the Internet right now on a computer. Ask me about it, if you've got an issue. 5. I like to argue that I could reasonably be put into a surrounding without fear or doubt in myself. Why I used the word "themself" seems to be a matter of rhetoric. I think a lot of ways, my profile was typed to make me sound cool and rhetoric. I consider that some people considered it fluff, nonsense, or not to be taken too seriously. 6. I'm not too interested in "wishes" nor making "wishes" at the moment.



Cyberman believes in everything. There are no doubts to Cyberman because Cyberman knows there is no truth. That things are ever changing and that what may one's truth because of ethnocentrism, may be another's lie.



Interesting to read that "Beliefs" section after so much time. I'll have to think over that stuff. Talk to me about it.

Anime's I've been meaning to watch




Yeah, I want to get those out of the way still. I like Anime, in general. Angel Beats is decent, as are many others. I like when Anime's draw out philosophical pieces or topics that involve philosophy. One might argue that metaphysics are involved in everything, so I consider that it's possible that philosophical aspects of things are implied.

Supernatural Powers


Cyberman believes in supernatural beings. Cyberman could be said to be a psychopathic schizophrenic but would disregard such statements and laugh to them evily.

Cyberman's powers come from complex carbohydrates and the Earth's resources. Not only that, but Cyberman builds its supernatural powers from meditation, concentration, study, along with telekinesis practicing.

Although Cyberman was once a White Wizard, Cyberman has gone to a Gray/Dark wizard status because of hate towards human-kind's conforming ignorance and apathy in such a technological era.



I don't really recall if I believed in supernatural beings at the time I wrote that Supernatural powers section. That was quite a while ago. ' not a psychopath, though. Also, I'm not schizophrenic. Also, if I ever said at some time in my life that everything I say after a point in time, such as the year 2008 or 2009 is a lie, then I'd argue that such as self-defense in defense of me being a reasonable person or perhaps the court if but current court system (kind of like Arthurnian court stuff). Ask me about it, verbally, and hopefully I hear you loud enough to talk about it; perhaps ask if I hear you. Assumptions seem to cause issues. My hearing sometimes is not as great as I would hope.

another edit. The wizard stuff sounded cool. I think it'd be cool to be a wizard. Maybe I'm reasonably a wizard. Perhaps wizards of old engaged the reptilian part of their brains in order to learn a high level of calculus, which came about through "adversarial" contact, thus came to be able to use what has been known as "magic." However, I'd like to think I engage higher parts of my brain, thus hoping that stuff like philosophy and science can be like my "magic."

"The pen is mightier than the sword." - Edward Bulwer-Lytton

Tastes in Women


Cyberman has many tastes, but he loves gothic women. Cyberman wishes they had a time machine to go back into the 90s and find a bunch of gothic chicks to find companionship with.

  • Cutters
  • Psychos
  • Anti-socials
  • Loners
  • Intellectuals
  • Sarcastic/Loving women.



Gothic chicks are still somewhat hot. I don't get involved with them too much anymore, though. So, I guess I like women with a sense of professionalism. Ask me a bout it. Also, in relation to the cutters thing, I'd say I liked studying abnormal psychology back then and liked the idea of fixing people's issues. So, if I met a female cutter, psycho, anti-social, and/or loner woman and I thought there was an issue, I might want to get involved in her life and help her with her issues. But I had issues juggling professionalism vs. falling for women like that. And I moved away from psychiatric sciences and moved toward neuroscience. And so, I'm glad I stepped away from psychiatric sciences, as there can be ethic issues. But I feel I've grown wiser, so I would just help people out of those situations rather than get too attached. If I have a soulmate, then I'd grow attached and help her out.

Things to later read




Yeah, I think I may have read those articles at some point in time.