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SDB:Create a Live USB stick using macOS

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This page explains how to create a bootable USB stick from a LiveDVD image file using Apple's macOS.

There is a dedicated article about how to Create a Live USB stick using Linux and how to Create a Live USB stick using Windows

Version: 12.2+ This applies to openSUSE 12.2 and above.

Warning: The instructions on this page will destroy all data currently on the USB stick being used. Please be certain it does not contain important information.

Using Etcher

The Etcher program almost never fails and is the most straightforward method. It is also an open source software. It is recommended to consider this method before any other one.
The Etcher Logo

  1. Download the current ISO image of openSUSE Leap or Tumbleweed. The filename ends with ".iso".
  2. Download, install and start Etcher
  3. Select the openSUSE .iso file you just downloaded using the "Flash from file" button.
  4. Plug a USB drive into you computer, if it's the only drive connected to your computer, it will be automatically selected. If not, select it.
Warning: All data on the drive will be destroyed. The drive can be reformatted and used as a normal drive again after the setup is finished.
  1. Click "Flash". The process of burning can last from 1 to up to 30 minutes depending on your drive and on the iso file.
  2. Unplug the USB drive. It now contains a bootable openSUSE installation media.

Using Command Lines

Find Block Device

Plug-in your USB stick and find what "/dev/diskN" it is mapped to by opening Terminal (where "N" stands for "disk0", "disk1", "disk2" etc). To do so, please execute:

# diskutil list

This will print out the list of currently mapped devices/partitions. Find the USB using "NAME" column. Then note the corresponding /dev/diskN, where "N" is for index of your disk. For example:

   #:                       TYPE        NAME                    SIZE   IDENTIFIER
   0:                       FAT32                               2.0 GB   disk0
   1:                                   USB2                    2.0 GB   disk0s1

In this case "/dev/disk2" is the one we want.

Unmount USB Stick

Unmount the USB stick

# diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskN

Where /dev/diskN is the one you have found in previous step as per our example it would be "/dev/disk2".

Write ISO to USB

Write the content of the ISO file:

# sudo sh -c "cat /path/to/downloaded.iso > /dev/rdiskN"

/dev/rdiskN is the same disk you have found previously, with an r in front. r is for raw disk, as writing to /dev/rdisk2 is much faster than writing to /dev/disk2. You will be prompted for the administrator's password.

No progress is shown while writing this way. If you have Homebrew or MacPorts, you can get a progress bar by installing the "pv" command and using that instead of "cat".