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openSUSE:Build Service application blacklist

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This page lists a number of applications that neither can become part of openSUSE distribution nor can be hosted on the Build Service for legal reasons. This page just lists the applications and does not explain the reasons as even that could be used in court against us. Please note also, that links to non *.opensuse.org pages might not be possible, due to legal issues.

In general, only software with an OSI license is allowed for submission. Exceptions can be made via the openSUSE:*:Non-Free projects on request.

This list is not complete, but lists the most requested software pieces that can or cannot be shipped.

Software or methods which have cleared

  • xine(reduced) is in (open)SUSE since 2008
  • JBIG1 code is in openSUSE since 2012 as jbigkit
  • ffmpeg(reduced) is in openSUSE since 2015
  • MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3, since 2017-05
  • Dolby AC-3 (a.k.a. A/52), since 2017-05
  • MPEG-1 Audio Layer 1 & 2, since 2017-08
  • MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, since 2018-08

If your software can make use of frameworks like ffmpeg/gstreamer or libraries like libopus/etc., you should prefer that over bundled code, which is beneficial both for updates and because the system libraries are arguably better tested.

In case of multimedia codecs, stick to good and free alternatives:

Software which is encumbered by patent claims

In general, all kinds of multimedia codecs are encumbered, especially from the MPEG and Dolby family.

Disallowed software list:

  • decoders for modern MPEG-family codecs
  • encoders for modern MPEG-family codecs
  • mplayer
  • ffmpeg/libav in full configuration
  • xine library in full configuration
  • divx
  • mythtv
  • lastfm
  • faac, faad/faad2
  • x264, x265

Software with other legal implications

This is software may be illegal in some countries.

In Germany, it is a felony to distribute hacker tools that only have malicious purpose (Hacker Paragraph, §202c StGB). Some allowance is given to "dual purpose" tools that also allow administrative work, but SUSE Linux GmbH's legal department reserves the right to reject and restrict a particular submission to the Open Build Service. As the OBS is hosted in Germany and responsibly hosted by SUSE, it is usually covered by German, UK and US laws. The list includes, but is not limited to:

  • metasploit
  • keyloggers like logkey
  • amule
  • chromium (contains patented code parts, exception is the cleaned version in openSUSE: projects)
  • mldonkey
  • libdvdcss
  • (python-)pymedia (contains ffmpeg and libdvdcss)
  • rtmpdump

Software that may pose additional legal risk as a result of the license:

Closed source Linux kernel modules

To abide by the request of the Linux kernel developer community, and to avoid any distribution issues of closed source Linux kernel modules, we will not distribute any of these type of modules.

Packages without OSI approved license

In general, packages without an Open Source license (specifically one approved by OSI) are not allowed in OBS.

Exceptions to this policy will be done for the openSUSE distribution and those packages are in the Non-Free projects of openSUSE, e.g. openSUSE:Factory:NonFree.

If you like to see a package included in NonFree, please open a bugreport against the distribution and supply information about the license.

We especially need the right to redistribute software if we include it in the build service.

List of not-approved binary packages:

  • oracle-instantclient

See also

External links