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openSUSE:Public release action plan 12.2

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Last Weeks Activity

Status Code Name Comments Pred Block Coordinator Deadline
done Cntd 12.3 Countdown install counter.opensuse.org for new release Bnnr lnussel
CfRP Call for Release Parties http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Launch_parties http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Launch_party_HOWTO http://news.opensuse.org/2011/11/15/join-or-organize-opensuse-12-1-launch-parties/ jos 27.02.2013
GerM German Manual Needs to be ready for third party vendor jw 01.03.13
Apro Artwork Promo DVD
done Scrn Screenshots Create screen shots of the installation and highlights of the distribution Must be creative commons license so the press can use them. Maybe use openqa.opensuse.org to snatch some. Last years screen shots: http://en.opensuse.org/Screenshots PrKi, Rann 08.03.13
80% PrHi Write Product Highlights Page http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Product_highlights_writing, http://en.opensuse.org/Product_highlights_12.2 PrKi, Rann, SnPe jos 20.03.13
Popd Purchase Order Promo DVD how many? abebe 15.03.13
Quot Collect Quotes what people have to say about the release. SKIP? ViPr, PrKi, Rann
ReGu Reviers Guide write reviewers guide for press kit PrHi PrKi jpoortvliet 26.02.13
PrKi Press Kit http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Press_kit, include link to GM PrHi,Rann PiPr 27.02.13
2DVD Add-On DVD for third party vendor lnussel 26.02.12
Rann Write SUSE release announcement PrHi Tran, Nwss amie 11.03.13
PiPr Send Pre-Information to Press PrKi amie 27.02.13
SnPe Sneak Peek Blog posts about selected features of the new release to create expectations PrHi jos 07.03.13
Socm Social Media Coordinate Social Media efforts http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Social_media_launch_plan 06.03.13
IPRQ IPRQ Document for Legal lnussel 28.02.13
Nwss Text for News sites slashdot, etc. PrHi 12.03.13
Upgr Adjust Upgrade portal page Add Upgrade description for current release 28.02.13
Dlta create delta isos coolo 01.03.13
Sgis sign the iso images coolo 01.03.13
Btmd create BT meta data create tracker files and register them with the tracker
Mlnk create meta links
Dist add GM internally enable GM in internal installation system (dist)
Pstg prepare release on internal staging server
Umoo update mirrors.opensuse.org markers, index page
Madm inform mirror admins about upcoming release mirrors@opensuse.org
GMPr make GM images available to Press
GMvd make GM images available to 3rd party box vendor
GMst make GM images available to staff
GMPo make GM images available to promo dvd vendor
Udoc update doc.opensuse.org
Sdoc www.suse.com/documentation notify web team to update www.suse.com/documentation
Gfxr 3rd party repos prepared (Nvidia, Ati)
Comu update community repo link https://github.com/openSUSE/download.o.o.git
Imtd create is_maintained data
Shop update shop site make shop.opensuse.org refer to new box
Psoo prepare software.o.o dl page prepare in git to be ready to deploy
nwoo write news.o.o article reword SUSE press release to remove corporate speak and friendly to read Rann
wwoo snippet for www.opensuse.org PrHi
Btsd find external BT seeders put torrent in separate directories, ask for volunteers to seed
Alrt install google alerts install google alerts, keywords "opensuse release", "opensuse 12.2", "suse 12.2"
Uweb update web site landing page in git www.opensuse.org wwoo
Cnhr Switch count down to hourly rendering
Tran Translations Release Announcent, www.opensusscreenshots,.org snippet, S potentially other last minute stuff nwoo,Uweb
FPbt flip public bit for mirrors make files readable on staging area for all mirrors to catch up Pstg
Dloo make all files visible on download.o.o make all files visible on download.opensuse.org, incl iso images FPbt
Fclk change openSUSE-current change symlink openSUSE-current in distribution/ and update/ to point to new release FPbt
Dsoo deploy software.o.o Dloo
Tsoo test software.o.o test all links on software.o.o to make sure they work Dsoo
Dweb Deploy web sites www.opensuse.org, static.opensuse.org, ..., ping provo admins to do it Uweb
Wiki update wiki front pages of all languages, http://en.opensuse.org/Welcome_to_openSUSE.org http://en.opensuse.org/Development_Version http://en.opensuse.org/Bugs:Most_Annoying_Bugs http://en.opensuse.org/Template:ReleasesTable http://en.opensuse.org/Roadmap http://de.opensuse.org/OpenSUSE_kaufen http://en.opensuse.org/Portal:Installation
FIRE publish news.o.o article publish article, send to opensuse-project and opensuse-announce nwoo, Tsoo, Dloo
PuSP publish SUSE release announcement Rann,FIRE
Alrt setup google alerts "opensuse 12.2", "opensuse release", "opensuse". Beware of locale!
Coll collect press mentions add links to articles by the press to http://en.opensuse.org/In_the_press
Stats Collect stats about release compile download statistics from web server logs
Frcd update freecode entry http://freecode.com/projects/suselinux
Conc Create and publish conclusion article Article with mentions and summary of impact of 12.2 release, with quotes from media
Pres Presentation Ready made Presentation for anyone who wants to promote opensuse https://github.com/openSUSE/artwork/tree/master/slides Scrn
ViPR Virtual PR Package Create virtual PR package (promo package) for ambassadors to promote new release. Upload or link files to Posters, flyers etc in wiki. PrHi

See also