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Charles Stewart Parnell
Timeline 1846—1891
Nacimiento   27 June 1846
1875   Elegido diputado de Home Rule League (liga autonomista) por Meath
1877   Agosto: es elegido presidente de la Home Rule Confederation (Confederación autonómica) de Gran Bretaña;
participa en un intento obstruccionista de bloquear en los Comunes el proyecto de Ley de Sudáfrica
1878   Se vincula al Clan na Gael (Clan de los gaélicos), organización estadounidense afín a los republicanos irlandeses
1879   Preside la Irish Land League (Liga irlandesa de la tierra, organización para la reforma agraria);
Campaña The New Departure (búsqueda de una alternativa intermedia entre independistas y autonomistas
1880   Mayo: Sustituye a William Shaw en la presidencia de la Liga autonomista, Home Rule League;19 de septiembre: En su discurso de Ennis, Parnell da las líneas generales de su estrategia de resistencia frente a los latifundistas absentistas. Del nombre del primer afectado, Charles Boycott (administrador de un terrateniente), nacería la palabra boycott, luego trasladada al español como boicot
1881   Gladstone aprueba la segunda Ley de la Tierra (Land Act). Criticised by Irish leaders for exceptions denied aid; 13 October: Arrested for 'treasonable practices' and sent to Kilmainham Gaol; issued 'No Rent Manifesto'.
1882   25 April: Kilmainham Treaty between Parnell & govt. Parnell released. 'No Rent Manifesto' withdrawn. Land Act amended. 8 May 1882: Chief Secretary (Lord Frederick Cavendish) and Under-Secretary T.H. Burke murdered by Invincibles outside Viceregal Lodge (Known as the "Phoenix Park Murders") Public outcry. Parnell condemns murders; October: Irish National League replaces Land League. Parnell controls it. Party name changed to Irish Parliamentary Party.
1883   December: Parnell receives £37,000 personal gift following national fundraising to alleviate his "financial distress".
1884   October: Catholic Hierarchy ally themselves with IIP and ditch their own party.
1885   June: Lord Salisbury forms minority Tory ministry. 1 August: Confidential meeting with new Lord Lieutenant, Lord Carnavon. 14 August: Ashbourne Land Act enacted. 7 November: Parnell urges Irish voters in Great Britain to vote Tory on eve of general election. IIP wins 85 seats. Hawarden Kite reveals Gladstone is now pro-Irish home rule.
1886   1 February: Gladstone forms ministry with IIP support. 26 March: Cabinet discusses draft Home Rule Bill. Joseph Chamberlain resigns. 8 June: Bill defeated in Commons. September: Commons rejects Parnell's Tenants' Relief Bill. October: Plan of Campaign launched in "United Ireland" newspaper. Tories back in power.
1887   Arthur Balfour becomes Chief Secretary. New Land Act and new coercion laws. March: The Times publishes a series "Parnellism and Crime". 18 April: article in series links Parnell to the Phoenix Park murders, quoting a letter he supposedly wrote. 17 July: Salisbury (PM) sets up commission to investigate links between Parnell and crime.
1888   May: Parnell distances himself from the Plan of Campaign in a speech to the Liberal Eighty Club in London.
1889   22 February: Richard Piggott revealed as forger of Parnell letter. Later Gladstone leads Commons in a standing ovation when Parnell returns. December: Captain O'Shea files for divorce, naming Parnell as co-respondent.
1890   February: Commission's 35 volume report clears Parnell of murder link but not of claimed links with crime. November: story of divorce breaks. Initial support for Parnell as presumption that it is a new smear. 24 November: Gladstone tactfully warns Parnell's deputy, Justin McCarthy of "problems" with scandal for Liberals. 25 November: IIP re-elects Parnell chairman, unaware of Liberal problems. 26 November: Gladstone letter on problems published. 1 December: After 5 days debate, IPP ditches Parnell. Party splits. Parnell and supporters seize United Ireland party paper HQ amid fisticuffs. Anti-parnellites launch own newspapers. 22 December: Anti-Parnellites win Kilkenny North by-election.
1891   January: Parnell rejects peace deal that he retire temporarily from politics and then return later to leadership. Parnellites lose two by-elections (2 April Sligo; 8 July Carlow) Closer battle in Sligo but defeat also. Parnell flirts with Fenianism. 25 June: Parnell marries Katharine O'Shea. Catholic hierarchy (minus one) issue condemnation. 27 September: Parnell delivers last public speech. Described as "incoherent scurrility — sad, sad" by John Dillon. Parnell catches pneumonia at the meeting and never recovers.

Muerte   6 October 1891