[go: nahoru, domu]


Flat API Authentication

The Flat Platform API uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication and authorization. If you never used OAuth2 before, we advise you to read this great introduction. Our API supports the Authorization Code and Implicit grants. To simplify the usage of our API for your own account, you can quickly create access tokens in your Flat account (aka. “Personal Access Tokens”).

How to quickly getting started

  1. Create an app for your script or project.
  2. Try the API in 5 minutes with a Personal Access Token for your Flat account.
  3. If you plan to make the app available for other people, request some OAuth2 Credentials to our product team.

Personal Access Tokens

Personal Access Tokens function like OAuth access tokens for your own account. You can generate them from your account in a few seconds:

  1. Create an app for your script or project
  2. On the left menu, click on “Flat API > Personal Tokens
  3. Choose a name and the authorization scopes for your first token.

That’s all, you can directly use our API with this token by setting it in the Authorization headers of your requests:

Authorization: Bearer my-api-personal-access-token

Here is an example with cURL:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <my_api_personal_access_token>' https://api.flat.io/v2/me


Do you Need some OAuth2 credentials? Please contact our product team. Here is the main information for our OAuh2 API, you can learn more about the scopes and flows in the paragraphs below.

  • Authorization URL: https://flat.io/auth/oauth
  • Token URL: https://api.flat.io/oauth/access_token
  • Invalidation URL: https://api.flat.io/oauth/invalidate_token
  • List of scopes


You will need to choose and include a list of requested scopes during the OAuth flow. At this time we support the following scopes:

Scope Description
account.public_profile Users’ public profiles
account.education_profile For education accounts, users’ profiles and organization information.
scores.readonly Read-only access to all a user’s scores.
scores.social Post comments and like scores
scores Full, permissive scope to access all of a user’s scores.
collections.readonly Allow read-only access to a user’s collections.
collections.add_scores Allow to add scores to a user’s collections.
collections Full, permissive scope to access all of a user’s collections.
edu.classes Full, permissive scope to manage the classes.
edu.classes.readonly Read-only access to the classes.
edu.assignments Read-write access to the assignments and submissions.
edu.assignments.readonly Read-only access to the assignments and submissions.
edu.admin Full, permissive scope to manage all the admin of an organization.
edu.admin.lti Access and manage the LTI Credentials for an organization.
edu.admin.lti.readonly Read-only access to the LTI Credentials of an organization.
edu.admin.users Access and manage the users and invitations of the organization.
edu.admin.users.readonly Read-only access to the users and invitations of the organization.

Authorization Page

Both Authorization Code and Implicit OAuth2 grants start with our authorization page. Our Authorization page (https://flat.io/auth/oauth) supports all the standard parameters from the Authorization Code grant (RFC6749/4.1) and the Implicit grant (RFC6749/4.2).

The first step is to build an authorization link where you can redirect your user. Here is a simple example:


You can find below the different parameters available, including non-standard and optional parameters. All of them can be passed as query string when redirecting the end-user to the authorization page.

Property name Required Values and Description
client_id Required The client id (aka key) from the couple key/secret provided by Flat
response_type Required We support code (Authorization Code grant, RFC6749/4.1.1) and token (Implicit, RFC6749/4.2.1). It is strongly advised to use the Authorization Code grant for any server-side usage and the Implicit grant for any client-side (e.g. JavaScript) usage.
scope Required You must provide a list of scopes listed above and granted for your app, separated with a space.
redirect_uri Required Determines where the response is sent. The value of this parameter must exactly match the value specified in your App Credentials settings.
state Optional An opaque string that is round-tripped in the protocol; that is to say, it is returned as a URI parameter in the Authorization Code grant, and in the URI #fragment in the Implicit grant.
access_type Optional (available for the Authorization Code grant) The acceptable values are online and offline. When specifying offline, the API will return a refresh token during the access token exchange.

When redirecting your users to this authorization page, they will see a page that looks like the one below, where they can grant your app to access and use their account:

Flat OAuth2 Authorization Page

Authorization Code grant

Here is a typical flow of an Authorization Code grant. We advise you to use this grant for using our API in server-side.

  1. You redirected a visitor/user to our authorization page by specifying response_type=code, your client_id and a redirect_uri.
  2. This user granted your app on our authorization Page.
  3. Flat redirects your user back to your website at the redirect_uri you specified. You will receive a code query string with an Authorization Code that you can exchange for an access token. This URL will also include a previous state you specified in the authorization page URL. (e.g. https://my-website.example.com/callback?code=<authz-code>&state=<state>)
  4. To exchange this Authorization Code, use our Token API Endpoint, https://api.flat.io/oauth/access_token (RFC6749/4.1.3).

Here is an exchange request example (server-side):

curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
 -d grant_type=authorization_code \
 -d code=<authz-code> \
 -d client_id=<client_id> \
 -d client_secret=<client_secret> \
 -d redirect_uri=<redirect_uri> \

And a response for this request:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "type": "access",
  "token_type": "bearer"
  "access_token": "<access-token>",
  "issued_at": 1492542537,
  "expires_in": 86400,
  "app": "<app-id>",
  "appStatus": "trusted",
  "user": "<user-id>",
  "scope": "account.public_profile scores"

The access token is now ready to use, here is an example with cURL:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token>' https://api.flat.io/v2/me

Implicit grant

Here is a typical flow of an Implicit grant. We advise you to use this grant for using our API in client-side. We main difference with the Authorization Code grant is that you don’t need to exchange a code, you directly get the access token in the URI Hash.

  1. You redirected a visitor/user to our authorization page by specifying response_type=token, your client_id, and a redirect_uri.
  2. This user granted your app on our authorization Page.
  3. Flat redirects your user back to your website at the redirect_uri you specified. You will receive the access token in the URI Hash (see example below).

The access token is now ready to use, here is an example with the JavaScript Fetch API:

fetch('https://api.flat.io/v2/me', {
  headers: {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + ACCESS_TOKEN
.then(function (response) {
  return response.json();
.then(function (me) {

Tokens revocation

This OAuth2 API supports token revocation (RFC 7009) at the following endpoint: https://api.flat.io/oauth/invalidate_token.