[go: nahoru, domu]

Expand your app's functionality

Add AI-based features like text generation, chat, and more to your Dart or Flutter apps with minimal setup

Expand functionality Logo

Fast AI app development

Focus on your app logic and user experience, let Google SDKs handle the intricacies of interacting with AI models

Fast AI app development logo

The best of Google

Tap into models built on Google's extensive research and development, or explore popular alternatives

The best of Google logo

Start building AI-driven features now.

  • Google AI Dart SDK
  • Vertex AI Dart SDK for Firebase (in preview)
Gemini AI Logo

Google AI Dart Client SDK

The fastest way to prototype generative AI features in your Flutter and Dart apps, this solution enables use of Gemini models through a Dart API in Google AI Studio

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Vertex AI Logo

Vertex AI Dart SDK for Firebase

When you're ready to take your generative AI features to production you can leverage Google Cloud's Vertex AI platform, including a Gemini API built for scale.

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