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Frequently Asked Questions

Account and Data

How does UpNote store my data?

UpNote is designed to work reliably without requiring you to sign up for an account. If you do not sign in, your notes will remain local to your device. If you want to sync your notes across devices, you can sign up for an account, and UpNote will store your notes on a central server so they can be synced to other devices.

You have complete control over your data, and we would never access your data or sell your data to third parties. For more information about your privacy, please read our Privacy Policy.

Where is the UpNote server located? Is it secure?

UpNote stores data on the Firebase server (which is a service provided by Google). The Firebase platform is certified to major privacy and security standards and fully supports the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Firebase encrypts your data in transit using HTTPS and encrypts your data at rest. You can learn more at https://firebase.google.com/support/privacy. We also take great care to ensure that your data is secure and only you can access it.

Does UpNote support storing data on iCloud?

UpNote is designed to work on all platforms, including Windows, Linux, and Android. However, since iCloud currently only supports Apple devices, UpNote cannot support iCloud for syncing notes.

Since Firebase is a Google service, can Google use my note content for advertising purposes?

No. Firebase data is not shared or used by Google for advertising purposes. Many companies use cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform to process user data, and these services are separate from the service owner's primary business. UpNote does not include Google Analytics in our applications, so your activity is not tracked on any platform.

Does UpNote support end-to-end encryption?

End-to-End Encryption (E2EE) is an advanced security method for encrypting and decrypting data and is designed to protect highly confidential information. Due to the complexity of implementation, UpNote currently has no plans to support E2EE. If you wish to store sensitive information such as passwords or credit card numbers, it is recommended that you use a password manager application specifically designed to encrypt sensitive information.

Does UpNote support multi-factor authentication (MFA)?

Yes, you can use the "Sign in with Google" or "Sign in with Apple" method when creating or signing in to your UpNote account. These methods support MFA by default.

If you currently sign in to your account using email and password, you can change your sign-in method to "Sign in with Google" or "Sign in with Apple" to use MFA (please go to Settings → My Account → Manage Sign-in Method). For security reasons, please sign in again on any other device after changing your sign-in method.

How do I change my email or password?

You can change your email or password at any time by going to the Settings screen and navigating to the Account section. For security reasons, changing your email and password will log you out of other devices, and you will need to sign in again with the new email and password to sync your notes.

Do I need to verify my email address?

Verifying your email address helps secure your account. It prevents others from using your email address to sign up for an account and helps you recover your account if you accidentally forget your password.

How do I delete my account?

To delete your account, please log into the UpNote app on any platform and go to Settings → Account → Delete Account. This action will immediately delete your account and all associated data from the server and cannot be undone.


How do I get UpNote premium?

You can upgrade to Premium on the Mac, iOS, or Android app. Upgrading on one device will cover all of your devices. Simply create an UpNote account and sign in to sync your premium. Thank you in advance for helping us make a great app!

Can my Premium license be used on all devices?

Yes, you only need to pay once and sync across all your devices. Just sign in to your UpNote account to sync your premium.

How do I switch from a monthly subscription to a lifetime upgrade?

You can switch from a monthly subscription to a lifetime upgrade from the Premium screen (go to Settings → Premium). The app will first ask you to cancel your existing subscription to avoid being charged twice, and then let you purchase a lifetime upgrade.

How long does my lifetime plan last?

We currently offer the lifetime plan option for UpNote. Even if we have to switch to a full subscription model, we will still honor lifetime licenses and lifetime users will be able to use all existing premium features.

I don’t see an option to upgrade on Windows and Linux apps. What can I do?

Upgrading to Premium is not yet available for Windows and Linux applications. However, if you have a Mac, iOS, or Android device, you can upgrade to Premium there and sync your Premium with your Windows and Linux applications.

I’m concerned about the sustainability of UpNote, especially with the lifetime plan option.

UpNote’s lean model allows us to create efficient development cycles while optimizing costs to offer an affordable premium plan to our users. Currently, UpNote limits each attachment to 20MB and reduce the image resolution when uploading to UpNote to reduce our server costs.

We are constantly monitoring our costs and will make adjustments as needed to ensure the long-term growth of the application. With the support of our users and word of mouth so far, we have seen UpNote’s steady growth, and we are passionate about maintaining and improving the app for the long term.

Using UpNote

How do I sync my notes?

To sync your notes between devices, you need to sign in or create an UpNote account on your device. Your notes will sync automatically and instantly.

Can I use UpNote if I’m offline?

UpNote is fully available offline. You can view and write notes without an Internet connection. When you are connected to the Internet, your data is synchronized with the server.

Does UpNote have a backup or export feature?

UpNote has an automatic backup feature for desktop applications, so you can always have a local copy of your notes to restore on your device. You can also export your notes in various formats in case you need to keep another backup or transfer them to another application.

Can I revert to a previous version of a note?

When you edit a note, the previous version is automatically saved in the version history, so you can easily see what has changed and restore a previous version of your notes. See this guide for instructions on how to restore your note version.

How do I organize my notes?

UpNote is designed to help you organize your notes easily and conveniently. You can organize your notes into notebooks or add hashtags to your notes. You can keep your most important notes at the top of the notebook by pinning your notes to the top. Or you can add your notes to Quick Access, which appears on the sidebar for quick navigation. For more tips, see our User Guide.

Can I lock the entire app?

We offer locking as a premium feature. On mobile, you can set a passcode in the Settings screen. When enabled, you will need to enter your passcode each time you open the app. On desktop, you can lock the app by clicking the lock icon in the upper-right corner of the note window and unlock it with your password. For more information on using the lock feature in UpNote, please see our User Guide.

What are the keyboard shortcuts for UpNote?

UpNote supports many keyboard shortcuts to make writing more convenient. For complete list, please refer to this article.

Does UpNote provide APIs for external integration?

UpNote supports several x-callback-url endpoints you can use to automate certain tasks from other application. Please check this guide for more information.

About UpNote

I’d like to know more about UpNote team.

UpNote is developed by a team of 2 from Vietnam. We are passionate about creating a useful and intuitive note-taking app that is fast and reliable on all platforms. We first launched UpNote in 2017 on iOS, Mac and Windows and gradually made it available on Android and Linux. UpNote’s lean model has allowed us to develop quickly while optimizing costs to provide users with an affordable Premium plan. You can see more discussions about UpNote team and business on Reddit.

Since the UpNote team is based in Vietnam, is any user data stored in Vietnam?

No, user data is stored on Firebase server in the US. No data is sent to or stored in Vietnam.

How can I contact UpNote?

If you have any other questions, please email us at support@getupnote.com.