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Last active September 10, 2017 17:52
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  • Save mflorida/2c3541d445211d4bfbac5a9c60815b4f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mflorida/2c3541d445211d4bfbac5a9c60815b4f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Create an object map of a directory tree then save to .json and .js files.
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
import groovy.json.*
// Drill down through the directory structure and output
// a representation to json and js files
// usage:
// ./filList.groovy ./ files._ comma,separated,list,of,files,to,skip
// ^-- script ^-- start dir ^-- output file name ^-- skip ALL files with these names
// NOTE: for the output file name, using a ._ extension means that BOTH .json and .js files are created
// set to current directory if not specified as the first argument
def startPath = args.length >= 1 ? args[0] : '.'
// extract the start path directory name
def startDir = (new File(new File(startPath).canonicalPath)).name
// rewrite startPath to current directory if necessary
if (startPath ==~ /^(\.|\.\/)$/) {
startPath = '../' + startDir
// pass comma-separated list of file names to skip as third argument
skipList = (args.length >= 3 ? args[2].split(/\s*,\s*/) : [])
// main method for creating the file list object
def makeFileList(File file) {
def obj = ['.': null]
def fileList = null
// creating the '.' item here will create the
// property for every directory, even if it's empty
file.listFiles().collect { it }.each {
// skip files that match the following pattern...
def skip = it.name ==~ /^(\.DS_Store|\._.*|\.git.*|\.idea.*)/
if (skip || skipList.contains(it.name)) {
if (it.directory) {
fileList = makeFileList(it)
obj[it.name] = fileList
// empty directories will have a single '.' property set to null,
// otherwise, it will be an object map of directories
//obj[it.name] = fileList.size() ? fileList : ['.':null]
} else {
// creating the '.' item here will prevent
// the creation of an empty '.' array
// if there are no *files* in the folder
//obj['.'] = obj['.'] ?: []
obj['.'] = obj['.'] ?: [:]
obj['.'][it.name] = it.length()
// if there are folders but no files,
// remove the '.' property
if (fileList && !obj['.']) {
return obj
def fileListing = [
(startDir): makeFileList(new File(startPath))
def jsonFileList = new JsonBuilder(fileListing).toPrettyString()
// specify a file name (without extension) as the second argument
// or a 'files.json' file will be written to the same
// directory specified in the first argument or the working
// directory where the script is invoked
def outputFile = args.length >= 2 ? args[1] : 'files'
def jsonFile = outputFile ==~ /(?i).*(\.json|\.\*|\._)$/
def jsFile = outputFile ==~ /(?i).*(\.js|\.\*|\._)$/
//println 'jsonFile: ' + jsonFile
//println 'jsFile: ' + jsFile
// if neither extension is present, do only json
if (!jsonFile && !jsFile) {
jsonFile = true
//println 'jsonFile: ' + jsonFile
//println 'jsFile: ' + jsFile
// strip file extension if present
outputFile = outputFile.replaceAll(/(?i)(\.json|\.js|\.\*|\._)$/, '')
// write to JSON file
if (jsonFile) {
new File(startPath, outputFile + '.json').newWriter().withWriter { w ->
w << jsonFileList
// write to js file
if (jsFile) {
def jsVar = (startDir + '-' + outputFile).replaceAll(/^\W*/, '').replaceAll(/\W+|-+/, '-')
new File(startPath, outputFile + '.js').newWriter().withWriter { w ->
w << ("window['" + startDir + "'] = { '" + outputFile + "': " + jsonFileList + '};')
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mflorida commented Sep 7, 2017

Sample usage:

./fileListMap.groovy ./ myFileList .git,.gitignore,foo,bar,bogus
  • ./fileListMap.groovy - launches the script
  • ./ - the start directory (the directory the script is processing, not where the script resides)
  • myFileList - the output file name (without extension - both .json and .js files are created)
  • .git,.gitignore,foo,bar,bogus - comma-separated list of files to skip - ALL MATCHING FILES WILL BE SKIPPED, REGARDLESS OF THEIR LOCATION IN THE HIERARCHY

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