- HOC: Towards an Optimal Computer: why interaction paradigm can improve computers.
- HOC: Can we build an optimal processor?: like above, but as a tweet.
- HOC: Complete Historical Overview: the lore behind HOC's creation.
- Interaction Combinators - Y.Lafont 1997: a concurrent model of computation
- Symmetric Interaction Combinators - Damiano Mazza 2009: a symmetric variant (used by HVM)
- The Optimal Implementation of Functional Programming Languages - best book to learn
- BOHM: first IN-based VM
- INGPU: another IN-based VM, also runs on GPUs
- HVM: how?: an intuitive explanation on how HVM works.
- HVM: Optimal Evaluation in 10 Minutes: same as above, but shorter and more serious.
- HVM: A Parallel Runtime - VictorTaelin (USP): same as above, but as a talk (Eng subs).
- HVM: The mystery behind Optimal Evaluation: why some functions run exponentially faster on HVM.
- HVM: Automatic Deforestation: β-Optimality gives fusion "for free"
- Kind: Conversion Checker: notes on Kind's equality algorithm
- HVM: Optimizing a Prime Sieve: explores linearity techniques
- HVM: Implementing FFT with λ-terms: explores linearity techniques
- HVM: Implementing a simple SAT solver: explains SUP/DUP nodes
- HVM: Fast Discrete Program Search #1: finds the add-carry function given a template
- HVM: Fast Discrete Program Search #2: finds bits functions enumerating a simple DSL