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Created November 26, 2020 05:29
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turing machine simulator using TS types
// Natural Numbers
interface Zero {
isZero: true;
interface Successor<N extends Nat> {
prev: N;
isZero: false;
type Nat = Zero | Successor<Nat>;
// Helpers
type Shift<T extends any[]> = ((...tuple: T) => void) extends (
head: any,
...tail: infer U
) => void
? U
: never;
type Unshift<U extends any[], T extends any> = ((
a: T,
...t: U
) => void) extends (...t: infer R) => void
? R
: never;
type NatToDecimal<
N extends Nat,
__acc extends { state: NatToTupleResult<Nat, any[]>; done: boolean } = {
state: NatToTupleResult<N, []>;
done: false;
> = {
0: NatToDecimal<N, NatToUnaryTuple_<__acc["state"], 1, []>>;
1: __acc["state"]["tuple"]["length"];
}[__acc["done"] extends true ? 1 : 0];
// Trampoline
type NatToUnaryTuple_<
T extends NatToTupleResult<Nat, any[]>,
Fill extends any = 1,
NumberOfBounces extends any[] = []
> = {
2: { state: NatToTupleResult<T["nat"], T["tuple"]>; done: false };
0: { state: NatToTupleResult<T["nat"], T["tuple"]>; done: true };
1: T["nat"] extends Successor<infer U>
? NatToUnaryTuple_<
NatToTupleResult<U, Unshift<T["tuple"], Fill>>,
Unshift<NumberOfBounces, any>
: never;
}[T["nat"] extends Successor<Nat>
? NumberOfBounces["length"] extends 5
? 2
: 1
: 0];
interface NatToTupleResult<L, T> {
nat: L;
tuple: T;
// TM directions
enum Dir {
type IInstruction =
| Instruction<string, Dir, number>
| HaltInstruction<string, Dir>;
interface Instruction<Sym extends string, M extends Dir, N extends number> {
write: Sym;
move: M;
next: N;
interface HaltInstruction<Sym extends string, M extends Dir> {
write: Sym;
move: M;
halt: true;
type IFSM = {
[K in number]: {
[K in string]: IInstruction;
type ICell = Nil | Cell<string, ICell>;
interface Nil {
isNil: true;
interface Cell<Sym extends string, Prev extends ICell> {
symbol: Sym;
prev: Prev;
isNil: false;
interface ITape {
left: ICell;
right: ICell;
symbol: string;
interface NewTape<
D extends string,
Left extends ICell = Nil,
Right extends ICell = Nil
> {
symbol: D;
left: Left;
right: Right;
type WriteTape<
Tape extends ITape,
V extends string,
Left extends ICell = Tape["left"],
Right extends ICell = Tape["right"]
> = {
symbol: V;
left: Left;
right: Right;
type MoveTape<
M extends Dir,
Tape extends ITape,
EdgeSymbol extends string,
Sym extends string = Tape["symbol"],
Left extends ICell = Tape["left"],
Right extends ICell = Tape["right"]
> = M extends Dir.Left
? Left extends Cell<infer U, infer V>
? NewTape<U, V, Cell<Sym, Right>>
: Left extends Nil
? NewTape<EdgeSymbol, Nil, Cell<Sym, Right>>
: never
: M extends Dir.Right
? Right extends Cell<infer U, infer V>
? NewTape<U, Cell<Sym, Left>, V>
: Right extends Nil
? NewTape<EdgeSymbol, Cell<Sym, Left>, Nil>
: never
: never;
type Run<
Config extends ITMConfig,
__acc extends { state: IProgram; done: boolean } = {
state: Program<Config["states"], Config["input"], Config["initialState"]>;
done: false;
EdgeSymbol extends string = Config["edgeSymbol"]
> = {
0: Run<Config, Trampoline<__acc["state"], EdgeSymbol, []>>;
1: __acc["state"];
}[__acc["done"] extends true ? 1 : 0];
// Use the "trampoline" technique to avoid being caught by TS deep recursion checks
// It'll recurse a limited number of times before returning. The parent function can
// then call the trampoline again to continue with a fresh stack
type MAX_JUMPS = 14;
type GetInstruction<
P extends IProgram
> = P["states"][P["counter"]][P["tape"]["symbol"]];
type Trampoline<
P extends IProgram,
EdgeSymbol extends string,
NumberOfBounces extends any[],
Inst extends IInstruction = GetInstruction<P>
> = {
0: Inst extends HaltInstruction<infer S, infer M>
? {
state: Program<
MoveTape<M, WriteTape<P["tape"], S>, EdgeSymbol>,
done: true;
: never;
1: Inst extends Instruction<infer S, infer M, infer N>
? Trampoline<
MoveTape<M, WriteTape<P["tape"], S>, EdgeSymbol>,
Unshift<NumberOfBounces, any>
: never;
2: { state: P; done: false };
}[Inst extends HaltInstruction<string, Dir>
? 0
: NumberOfBounces["length"] extends MAX_JUMPS
? 2
: 1];
interface Program<
States extends IFSM,
TTape extends ITape,
CurrentState extends keyof IFSM,
Steps extends Nat = Zero
> {
states: States;
counter: CurrentState;
tape: TTape;
steps: Steps;
interface IProgram {
states: IFSM;
tape: ITape;
counter: number;
steps: Nat;
interface ITMConfig {
states: IFSM;
initialState: number;
edgeSymbol: string;
input: ITape;
type TMConfigTuple<
EdgeSymbol extends TupleTape[number],
InitState extends keyof States,
States extends IFSM,
TupleTape extends string[] = [EdgeSymbol],
Head extends Nat = Zero
> = {
states: States;
initialState: InitState;
edgeSymbol: EdgeSymbol;
input: TupleToTape<TupleTape, Head> extends { tape: infer U } ? U : never;
// Use this if you want output of one TM as input to another
type TMConfigTape<
EdgeSymbol extends string,
InitState extends keyof States,
States extends IFSM,
Tape extends ITape
> = {
states: States;
initialState: InitState;
edgeSymbol: EdgeSymbol;
input: Tape;
// Conversion tools
// Convert tuple format into internal tape format
type TupleToTape<Tuple extends string[], Head extends Nat> = TupleToTape_<
TupleToTapeResult<Tuple, Zero, Head, NewTape<"#">, false>
type TupleToTape_<
T extends {
tuple: string[];
idx: Nat;
head: Nat;
tape: ITape;
isPastHead: boolean;
> = {
0: T;
1: T extends TupleToTapeResult<
infer Tup,
infer Idx,
infer Head,
infer Tape,
infer IsPastHead,
infer TupCopy
? Idx extends Head
? TupleToTape_<
WriteTape<Tape, Tup[0]>,
: IsPastHead extends true
? TupleToTape_<
PushRightStack<Tape, TupCopy[Shift<Tup>["length"]]>,
: TupleToTape_<
PushLeftStack<Tape, Tup[0]>,
: never;
}[T["tuple"] extends [] ? 0 : 1];
interface TupleToTapeResult<
Tuple extends string[],
Idx extends Nat,
Head extends Nat,
Tape extends ITape,
IsPastHead extends boolean = false,
TupleCopy extends string[] = Tuple
> {
tuple: Tuple;
tupleCopy: TupleCopy;
idx: Idx;
head: Head;
tape: Tape;
isPastHead: IsPastHead;
type PushRightStack<Tape extends ITape, D extends string> = NewTape<
Cell<D, Tape["right"]>
type PushLeftStack<Tape extends ITape, D extends string> = NewTape<
Cell<D, Tape["left"]>,
// Pretty print the internal tape format
type TapeToDisplay<T extends ITape, Tup extends string[] = []> = [
StackToTuple<T["left"], Tup>,
StackToTupleReverse<T["right"], Tup>
type StackToTuple<
Stack extends ICell,
Tuple extends string[] = []
> = Stack extends Cell<infer U, infer T>
? T extends Nil
? Tuple["length"] extends 0
? [U]
: Unshift<Tuple, U>
: StackToTuple<T, Tuple["length"] extends 0 ? [U] : Unshift<Tuple, U>>
: Tuple;
type StackToTupleReverse<
Stack extends ICell,
Tuple extends string[] = [],
StackR extends ICell = Nil
> = Stack extends Cell<infer U, infer T>
? T extends Nil
? StackToTuple<StackR, [U]>
: StackToTupleReverse<T, Tuple, Cell<U, StackR>>
: Tuple;
// Busy Beaver machines
// 1-state 2-symbol machine
type BB1FSM = {
0: {
"0": HaltInstruction<"1", Dir.Right>;
type BB1Config = TMConfigTuple<"0", 0, BB1FSM>;
type BB1Run = Run<BB1Config>;
type BB1StepCount = NatToDecimal<BB1Run["steps"]>;
type BB1Output = TapeToDisplay<BB1Run["tape"]>;
// 2-state 2-symbol machine
type BB2FSM = {
0: {
"0": Instruction<"1", Dir.Right, 1>;
"1": Instruction<"1", Dir.Left, 1>;
1: {
"0": Instruction<"1", Dir.Left, 0>;
"1": HaltInstruction<"1", Dir.Right>;
type BB2Config = TMConfigTuple<"0", 0, BB2FSM>;
type BB2Run = Run<BB2Config>;
type BB2StepCount = NatToDecimal<BB2Run["steps"]>;
type BB2Output = TapeToDisplay<BB2Run["tape"]>;
// Binary Adder
// Adds two binary numbers separated by a blank
type BinaryAdderFSM = {
// move right to end of first block
0: {
"0": Instruction<"0", Dir.Right, 0>;
"1": Instruction<"1", Dir.Right, 0>;
_: Instruction<"_", Dir.Right, 1>;
// move right to end of second block
1: {
"0": Instruction<"0", Dir.Right, 1>;
"1": Instruction<"1", Dir.Right, 1>;
_: Instruction<"_", Dir.Left, 2>;
// subtract one in binary
2: {
"0": Instruction<"1", Dir.Left, 2>;
"1": Instruction<"0", Dir.Left, 3>;
_: Instruction<"_", Dir.Right, 5>;
// move left to end of first block
3: {
"0": Instruction<"0", Dir.Left, 3>;
"1": Instruction<"1", Dir.Left, 3>;
_: Instruction<"_", Dir.Left, 4>;
// add one in binary
4: {
"0": Instruction<"1", Dir.Right, 0>;
"1": Instruction<"0", Dir.Left, 4>;
_: Instruction<"1", Dir.Right, 0>;
// clean up and stop
5: {
"0": Instruction<"_", Dir.Right, 5>;
"1": Instruction<"_", Dir.Right, 5>;
_: HaltInstruction<"_", Dir.Right>;
type TMTape = ["1","1","1", "_", "1", "1", "_"];
type BinaryAdderConfig = TMConfigTuple<"_", 0, BinaryAdderFSM, TMTape>;
type Result = Run<BinaryAdderConfig>;
type steps = NatToDecimal<Result["steps"]>;
type output = TapeToDisplay<Result["tape"]>;
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This is too much beauty and elegance! What a masterpiece.

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