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Insights: MaikuB/flutter_local_notifications

Dependency graph

Package: flutter_local_notifications

Repositories that depend on flutter_local_notifications

66,913 Repositories 142 Packages
These counts are approximate and may not exactly match the dependents shown below.
Filter by owner
@ghost pharma_hub_365
@ghost babyboomv2
@LeSe0 LeSe0 / pub_express push_express_lib
0 0
@ghost ema_lib
@Passiolife Passiolife / Flutter-Nutrition-AI-Module nutrition_ai_module
1 0
@ghost firebase_chating
@mathrunet mathrunet / flutter_masamune masamune_notification_local
32 4
@ghost tambi_flutter_sdk
@fsoft72 fsoft72 / liwe3_flutter liwe3
0 0
@ghost dative_core
@ghost taibapp_custom_code
@ghost bi_seda
@francodriansetti francodriansetti / BridgeSDK bridgesdk
0 0
@gree gree / patapata patapata_core
45 5
@gree gree / patapata patapata_firebase_messaging
45 5
@buildwiththeta buildwiththeta / buildwiththeta designflow_push_notifications
280 29
@ghost geosentry_sdk
@morphemedesign morphemedesign / morpheme-flutter-library morpheme_inspector
0 1
@segmentify segmentify / flutter_sdk segmentify_flutter_sdk
3 0
@stanojenikola stanojenikola / user-service notification_service
0 0
@ghost mahdaad_core