- Vilnius, Lithuania
- http://nercury.github.io/
A fast and secure runtime for WebAssembly
Fast approximate nearest neighbor searching in Rust, based on HNSW index
Accurate 3D Face Reconstruction with Weakly-Supervised Learning: From Single Image to Image Set (CVPRW 2019)
crablang / crabup
Forked from rust-lang/rustupThe Crab toolchain installer
A community fork of a language named after a plant fungus. All of the memory-safe features you love, now with 100% less bureaucracy!
🌟 For when you really just want to serve some files over HTTP right now!
Wrapper for Flight Simulator 2020 SimConnect library
🦀 GPU memory allocator for Vulkan, DirectX 12 and Metal. Written in pure Rust
A CMSIS-DAP implementation in pure Rust.
Software tools/utilities made by others to augment the KiCad PCB EDA suite.
Utilities to aid implementing wakers and working with tasks.
Transportation planning and traffic simulation software for creating cities friendlier to walking, biking, and public transit
A high-speed network driver written in C, Rust, C++, Go, C#, Java, OCaml, Haskell, Swift, Javascript, and Python
Empowering everyone to build asynchronous software
The write-once-run-anywhere GPGPU library for Rust
🦔 Fast, lightweight & schema-less search backend. An alternative to Elasticsearch that runs on a few MBs of RAM.
Peripheral access API for STM32G0 series microcontrollers
Ethernet bootloader for STM32 written in Rust
A safe tree using an arena allocator that allows deletion without suffering from the ABA problem by using generational indices. https://docs.rs/vec-tree/0.1.0/vec_tree/
Rust ffi and idiomatic wrapper for zeux/meshoptimizer, a mesh optimization library that makes indexed meshes more GPU-friendly.