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✅ onlineornot

onlineornot is a CLI for monitoring your uptime checks on OnlineOrNot.

Table of Contents

Quick Start

npm i -g onlineornot
onlineornot login
export ONLINEORNOT_API_TOKEN=api-token-goes-here
onlineornot checks list



  onlineornot docs     📚 Open OnlineOrNot's docs in your browser
  onlineornot checks   ✅ Manage your uptime checks
    onlineornot checks list                 List uptime checks
    onlineornot checks view <id>            View a specific uptime check
    onlineornot checks create <name> <url>  Create a new uptime check
    onlineornot checks delete <id>          Delete a specific uptime check
  onlineornot billing  🧾 Open OnlineOrNot's billing in your browser
  onlineornot login    🔓 Open OnlineOrNot's Developer Portal in your browser
  onlineornot whoami   🕵️  Retrieve your user info and test your auth config

  -h, --help     Show help  [boolean]
  -v, --version  Show version number  [boolean]


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