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WFRP 4 ED Multipurpose Bot



The idea for this bot was to make online RPG sessions a lot easier and as a consequence, enjoy them more. For now there are only available commands to roll the dice, calculate SL and compare two tests.




  • /roll [dices] e.g. /roll 3d6 - this command will roll 3, 6-sided dice


    • hide: [true/false] e.g /roll 2d10 hide: true - this command will roll 2, 10-sided dice, the result is only visible for you
  • /test [skill_level] e.g. /test 56 - this command will roll 1k100 dice, compare roll with your input, and show the result (success/fail)


    • hide: [true/false] - same as /roll
    • difficulty: [number] - e.g. /test 56 10 - this command will add '10' to your skill_level
    • sl: [true/false] - e.g. /test 56 sl: true - this command will calculate the SL difference between your roll and skill level
      You can mix these modifiers as you want, for example: /test 54 difficulty: -20 sl: true
      and example output: Roll: 79, SL: (-4), Impressive Failure
  • /opposed [skill_level] - this command requires two players to execute this command and then it will calculate the SL difference between their test


    • hide: [true/false] - same as /roll


  • If you create chat channel named 'roll-archive' then every deleted message will go there

Planned Features:

  • Add cheatsheet for GM/Players for statuses like "exhaustion" and other
  • Add Music bot that allows to stream local music to make better immersion (like from Tabletop Audio)
  • Add Crit Hit Table and Normal Hit Table
  • Add Polish translation


Configuring Bot:

  1. Go to Discord Developer Portal
  2. Click New Application
  3. Name it any way you want
  5. Click Bot from menu list
  6. Click Add Bot
  7. Click Reset Token and Copy your TOKEN (Careful! Don't show anyone your token)
  8. Scroll down and check MESSAGE CONTENT INTENT
  9. Then go to OAuth2 -> URL Generator
  10. In SCOPES click bot then in BOT PERMISSIONS click Administrator
  11. Scroll down, copy your GENERATED URL and invite bot to your discord server.

Configuring Application:

  1. Make sure that you have installed Node.js
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Rename config-example.json to config.json
  4. Paste your TOKEN and APPLICATION ID that you previously saved
  5. Run command line, proceed to the directory with this repository then run npm i
  6. Run node deploy.js
  7. After every step run node index.js
  8. Have fun!

If you have any problems or suggestions feel free to create new issue or contact me on Discord: Arashayo#4858