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Code Louisville Data Analysis Exercise


In this exercise we will create a summary of wine reviews by country and write the data to a CSV file. This exercise is based on the Kaggle Learn Pandas exercise 3.

Create a Python program that reads in the data/winemag-data-130k-v2.csv.zip file. Create a summary of the data that contains the name, number of reviews, and the average points for each unique country in the dataset. Write the summary data to a new file in the data folder named reviews-per-country.csv.

Example Output Data

country count points
US 54504 88.6
France 22093 88.8
Italy 19540 88.6
Spain 6645 87.3
Portugal 5691 88.3
... ... ...
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2 86.5
Armenia 2 87.5
Slovakia 1 87.0
China 1 89.0
Egypt 1 84.0


  • The csv file created by your program should be saved in the data folder.
  • The csv file created by your program should be added, committed and pushed to GitHub.
  • The column names should match the example above.
  • The values in the points column should be rounded to 1 decimal point.


  1. Click on the link in the assignment in Google Classroom.
  2. Accept the exercise from GitHub. GitHub will automatically create a new repo for you with an open Pull Request for your changes.
  3. Clone the new repo to your machine.
  4. Create a virtual environment, activate it, and install the required packages. (see instructions below)
  5. Add your code to the specified file.
  6. Add/Commit/Push your code back to GitHub.GitHub will run the automated tests when you push.
  7. Review the Pull Request on your repo to see the status of the tests.
  8. “Turn in” the assignment in Google Classroom.

Virutal Environment Instructions

  1. After you have cloned the repo to your machine, navigate to the project folder in GitBash/Terminal.
  2. Create a virtual environment in the project folder. python3 -m venv venv 1
  3. Activate the virtual environment. source venv/bin/activate
  4. Install the required packages. pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. When you are done working on your repo, deactivate the virtual environment. deactivate

Automated Testing

This repo contains a small testing program that is automatically run by GitHub to validate your code. This testing program is contained in the tests.py file. You don't have to do anything with this file to complete the exercise, but you can follow these steps if you would like to run the tests on your machine.

  1. Open GitBash in Windows or the Terminal in Mac and navigate to the project folder.
  2. Run the tests. We won't be covering testing with python in this course. Use the following command to run the tests: pytest tests.py. You can read more about it here.
  3. Review the output from running the test. This will let you know whether your code produces the expected results.


  1. GitBash on Windows uses “python” instead of “python3”


wine-reviews-exercise-LauraTerry created by GitHub Classroom






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