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Pokemon Project - Symfony 6 & Docker

A Pokemon Project built with Symfony 6 web framework, virtualized with Docker-based installer and runtime with full HTTP/2, HTTP/3 and HTTPS support.

Scenario: A new pokemon tournament is coming soon and a strong team must be created to try to excel at the competition! On this project by using the Pokemon API at https://pokeapi.co/ we can create, list or edit teams.

Getting Started

  1. Install Docker Compose (v2.10+), or proceed to second step if already installed.
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Enter inside the folder.
  4. Run docker-compose build --no-cache to build fresh images
  5. Run docker-compose up -d to run the containers in backround or docker-compose up for the logs to be displayed in the current shell.
  6. Run symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate on the root folder of the project to create the database tables.
  7. Open https://localhost in your favorite web browser and accept the auto-generated TLS certificate.
  • Helper single cli command instead of point 3 & 4: docker compose up --build -d --force-recreate

  • Run docker compose down --remove-orphans to stop & remove the Docker containers.

  • Helper terminal command to create database schema: symfony console doctrine:schema:create

  • Helper terminal command to create database tables: symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate

  • Helper terminal command to generate new migrations from entity: symfony console doctrine:migrations:diff


  • 5 services (PHP-FPM, Nginx Webserver, Mysql Db, Redis Cache, Mailcatcher)
  • Easy-readable configuration

Wish you enjoy and excel at the competition!


  1. Build options
  2. Support for extra services
  3. Debugging with Xdebug
  4. TLS Certificates
  5. Using a Makefile
  6. Troubleshooting


MIT License.


Created by Lefter Zaka.