I'm Evgeny, and I write code... Sometimes. I am the CTO at Superconnectors, am the chief everything guy at, ehm, my own business, like to film stupid videos, and am fueled by helping out everyone who's doing cool shit.
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- A/B testing tool with a twist
- 💹 10kreader.com, a site to retrieve, read and interact with filings of any public U.S. companies. Courtesy of @KevinGBojan.
- 🔭 evgenyastapov.com, my personal portfolio.
- ⌨️ type.evgenyastapov.com, an aesthetic typing speed test website that I made for fun.
- 🌎 evg.to, my own URL shortener running on Node.js, Express and GCP App Engine.
- A web app that would parse videos and cut them up into shorts based on the most interesting parts of the speech.
- 📷 I take pictures! Check out my insta.
- 📫 How to reach me: @evgastap everywhere.