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                         A Proof Of Stake cryptocurrency
                          focused on internet services
                             anonymity and security

                          PROXYNODE MASTERNODE MANAGER

This script will guide you through the installation, configuration
and management of your Proxynode masternode.

To install and manage additional Proxynode masternodes this script
will install and configure dupmn for Proxynode when required.

Usage: proxynode_masternode_manager.sh  [parameters]

proxynode_masternode_manager.sh install           : Install Proxynode masternode(s)
proxynode_masternode_manager.sh summary           : Display Proxynode main masternode installation summary
proxynode_masternode_manager.sh help              : Display this help text
proxynode_masternode_manager.sh update            : Update Proxynode binaries
proxynode_masternode_manager.sh bootstrap         : Download and install Proxynode bootstrap
proxynode_masternode_manager.sh createbootstrap   : Create Proxynode bootstrap (from installed masternode)
proxynode_masternode_manager.sh stop              : Stop Proxynode masternode
proxynode_masternode_manager.sh start             : Start Proxynode masternode
proxynode_masternode_manager.sh status            : Show Proxynode masternode status
proxynode_masternode_manager.sh monitor [seconds] : Monitor Proxynode masternode and system continuously
proxynode_masternode_manager.sh showconf          : Display contents of prx.conf
proxynode_masternode_manager.sh replace strA strB : Replace 'string A' with 'string B' in prx.conf
proxynode_masternode_manager.sh dupmn             : Install or update dupmn
proxynode_masternode_manager.sh disclaimer        : Display disclaimer
proxynode_masternode_manager.sh donation          : Show donation addresses


This script is provided 'as is', without warranty of any kind.
Be aware that this script is run at your own risk and while this script
has been written with the intention of minimizing the potential for
unintended consequences, the owners, providers and contributors
can not be held responsible for any misuse or script problems.
The owners, providers and contributors assume no liability for any
financial loss, loss in revenue, loss of data, damages, direct or
consequential that may result from the use of this script and
the software that is downloaded and installed with it.


Proxynode masternode installation and management






No releases published


