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Learning on Micro Services from the Udemy Course

Microservices - Currency Converter and Exchange Service

Step 1 and 2

  • Creating a simple rest web service limit
  • We hard code the values here

Step 3

  • We gave the values inside the application.properties
  • We then take the values using @ConfigurationProperties

Step 4

  • Setup Spring cloud config server

Step 5

  • Github repository creation

Step 6

  • Connecting Spring cloud config to git repo.
  • spring.cloud.config.server.git.uri, @EnableConfigServer

Step 7

  • Connect the limit service to the Spring Cloud Config

Step 8

  • Profile Configuration

Step 9

  • Currency conversion and exchange microservices

Step 10

  • Setting up the Currency exchange microservice

Step 11

  • Hard coding the currency exchange service

Step 12

  • Setting dynamic port in the response

Step 13

  • Configure JPA and initialised data.

Step 14

  • Creating a JPA Repository

Step 15

  • Currency Conversion Microservice

Step 16

  • Creating a service for the currency conversion service.

Step 17

  • Invoking Currency Exchange from Currency Conversion Service.

Step 18

  • Using Feign REST Client for Service Invocation

Step 19

  • Understand the naming server and setting Eureka Naming server.

Step 20

  • Connect the currency conversion and currency exchange microservice to the naming server.

Step 21

  • Quickstart by importing previous codes. (SKIP)

Step 22

  • Load balancing with Eureka, Feign and Spring Cloud Balancer.

Step 23

  • Setting up Spring Cloud API Gateway.

Step 24

  • Exploring routes with Spring Cloud Gateway.

Step 25

  • Implementing Spring Cloud Gateway Logging

Step 26

  • Circuit breaker - Resilience4j.

Step 27

  • Working on Resilience4j - Retry and fallback

Step 28

  • Circuit Breaker features.

Step 29

  • Rate limiting and BulkHead features of Resilience4j.