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Repository files navigation


TrieRouter is a URL router implemented in Swift, that uses a trie data structure to store and match URL patterns. It supports URL parameters and wildcards.


  • Support parsing URLs with path and query parameters
  • Support wildcard pattern matching for paths
  • Support for adding, searching, and printing all registered routes
  • Type-safe and intuitive API


  • Swift 5.1+
  • iOS 8.0+
  • macOS 10.10+


Swift Package Manager

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/tbxark/TrieRouter.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.3.3"))


pod 'TrieRouter', '~> 1.3.3'


Here's an example of how to use TrieRouter in your code:

let router = Router()
router.addRoute("example://index") { _ in
router.addRoute("example://intTest/:value") { ctx in
    let v = try ctx.params.getInt("value")
    print("hello \(v)")
router.addRoute("example://file/*name") { ctx in
    let name = try ctx.params.getString("name")
    print("file \(name)")
router.addRoute("example://long/long/:name/path") { ctx in
    let name = try ctx.params.getString("name")
    print("hello \(name)")

Best Practice


// 1. Adding base protocols
typealias RouterContext = Router.Context
typealias RouterNode = Router.Node

protocol NavigatorRegisterType {
    static func urlOpenHandlerFactory(_ context: RouterContext) throws

extension NavigatorRegisterType {
    @discardableResult static func register(byRouter router: Router, urlPattern: String) -> RouterNode? {
        return router.addRoute(urlPattern, handler: { ctx in
            try urlOpenHandlerFactory(ctx)

protocol ControllerNavigatorRegisterType: NavigatorRegisterType {
    static func viewControllerFactory(_ context: RouterContext) throws -> UIViewController

final class ControllerStackService {
    static func open(controller vc: UIViewController, forcePresent: Bool = false) {
        // Implement this function according to your app

extension ControllerNavigatorRegisterType {
    static func urlOpenHandlerFactory(_ context: RouterContext) throws {
        let vc = try viewControllerFactory(context)
        var forcePresent = false
        if let ctx = context.context as? JSONElement {
            forcePresent = ctx.forcePresent.boolValue ?? false
        ControllerStackService.open(controller: vc, forcePresent: forcePresent) 

// 2. UIViewController implements ControllerNavigatorRegisterType.
class UserDetailViewController: UIViewController, ControllerNavigatorRegisterType  {
    let id: Int
    init(id: Int) {
        self.id = id
        // ...
    // ...
    // MARK: - ControllerNavigatorRegisterType
    static func viewControllerFactory(_ context: RouterContext) throws -> UIViewController {
        let id = try context.params.getInt("id")
        return UserDetailViewController(id: id)

// 3. Initializing Routes
let router = Router()
UserDetailViewController.register(byRouter: router, urlPattern: "example://user/:id")



tbxark, tbxark@outlook.com


TrieRouter is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.