Built with Streamlit and Rasa.
- Analyze food prices across multiple countries on a given time period.
- Display available commodities/countries/periods for comparison for given countries/dates/commodities.
- Automatic translation to any language with Google Translate integration
- Python 3.8
Install required Python packages and SpaCy model:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download SpaCy model for English language:
python -m spacy download en_core_web_md
Download fasttext language detection model (126MB):
curl -o .\lid.176.bin https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/fasttext/supervised-models/lid.176.bin
Load HDX datasets and set up actions server:
UPDATE_HDX_DATASETS=True rasa run actions
(optional) Update lookup tables for country names and commodities:
python datasets/collect_lookup_tables.py
Run Rasa training (it will take a few minutes):
rasa train
Load model endpoint:
rasa run
Interact with chatbot either with shell:
rasa shell
Or with streamlit application:
streamlit run streamlit_app.py