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utilitarian-first general-purpose d*scord bot that doesn't stand in your way

running reixi


clone the repository before anything else, and enter it:

git clone https://github.com/markjoshwel/reixi
cd reixi

then install dependencies and run reixi:

poetry install
REIXI_TOKEN="" poetry run reixi

devbox user? do the following instead:

git clone https://github.com/markjoshwel/reixi
cd reixi
REIXI_TOKEN="" devbox run reixi

to see what other environment variables you can set, see environment variables.

using reixi

  • when generating an invite link, ensure the bot scope is selected, and that the Administrator permission is selected.
  • ensure reixi's role is above the roles you want it to manage.
  • the default prefix is rx , but this can be changed per-server with rx pre, or globally by editing reixi/common.py.
  • all modules are disabled per-server by default. enable them with rx module

environment variables

    the discord bot token, required

    where to store logs in

    if not specified, the following directories are tried in order:

    1. XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/reixi
    2. PWD/logs
    where to store database files and the config file

    if not specified, the following directories are tried in order:

    1. XDG_DATA_HOME/reixi
    2. ~/.local/share/reixi
    3. PWD/db

configuration file

the configuration file is a TOML file located at $REIXI_DB_PATH/.config.toml.

# user ids of who can use reixi god commands
# usually justthe bot owner
gods = []

# list of modules to load
# append to this list to third-party modules
# the strings should follow python module import syntax
modules = [

developing for reixi

reixi is fully type-annotated, so use mypy to check for type errors.


reixi modules are discord.ext.commands.Cog.

from discord.ext import commands

# this should be a lowercase version of the module class name
NAME = "testmodule"  

class TestModule(commands.Cog):
    # these two lists aren't required
    # unless you want to hide them from the help command
    reixi_god_commands: list[str] = []         # commands that only bot owners/gods can use
    reixi_privileged_commands: list[str] = []  # commands that only server owners/admins can use

    def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot) -> None:
        self.bot = bot

    async def test(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
        # check if module is server-disabled
        if not await self.bot.db.get_module_enabled(ctx.guild.id, NAME):

        await ctx.send("test!")

async def setup(bot: Bot) -> None:
    await bot.add_cog(ReactionRoles(bot))

you can access the database backend via bot.db.

  • config is stored in bot.db.config and is of type reixi.common.Config.

  • server settings are stored in bot.db.server_settings and is of type dict[int, reixi.common.ServerSettings].

    access a guild's settings by using its id as a key when indexing the dictionary.

  • see available db methods by looking at reixi.db.AbstractBackend.

place the module somewhere reixi/reixi.py can find them, or install them as a package.
then, add them into the modules list in your reixi config.

database backends

reixi saves data as TOML files, but under an abstraction layer.

write your own database backend by implementing and extending the abstract base class reixi.db.AbstractBackend, and then swap it out with the TOML backend by modifying reixi/reixi.py. (ctrl+f and NOTE should help you find the line!)


reixi is licenced under the GNU Affero General Public Licence v3.0 or later.
for more information, please refer to LICENCE.md, or the GNU website.

if you run reixi or a modified version of it, you must provide the source code to the users of the bot, this is a requirement of the GNU AGPL.


utility-first general-purpose d*scord bot




Code of conduct



