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File metadata and controls

468 lines (383 loc) · 32.6 KB

Advanced Executables


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(TypeScript interface)

The location of your test executables (relative to the workspace folder or absolute path) and with a lot of other setting.

he extension is *pre-configured and it should find executables inside the working directory which match the following glob pattern:

"testMate.cpp.test.advancedExecutables": [ "{build,Build,BUILD,out,Out,OUT}/**/*{test,Test,TEST}*" ]

This basically means executables inside the build and out directories (recursive /**/) which contain the test word in their name (including extensions).

(Examples here)

See vscode's documentation for syntax.

The first example (.vscode/settings.json or hit Ctr/Cmd + ,):

"testMate.cpp.test.advancedExecutables": [
    "pattern": "{build,Build,BUILD,out,Out,OUT}/**/*{test,Test,TEST}*",
    "cwd": "${absDirpath}",
    "env": {
      "ExampleENV1": "You can use variables here too, like ${relPath}",
      "PATH": "${os_env:PATH}${osPathEnvSep}/adding/new/item/to/PATH/env"

More examples.

This variable can be

  • a string (ex.: "out/**/*test.exe") or
  • an array of objects (ex.: [ { "pattern": "release/*test.exe" }, ... ]).

If it is an object it can contains the following properties:

Property Description
name The name of the test suite (file). Can contains variables related to pattern. Detail
pattern A relative (to workspace directory) or an absolute path or glob pattern. ⚠️Avoid backslash!: NO \\; (required) Detail
exclude Setting path like files.watcherExclude to use for test lookup.
description A less prominent text after the name. Can contains variables related to pattern. Detail
cwd The current working directory for the test executable. If it isn't provided and test.workingDirectory does then that will be used. Can contains variables related to pattern. Detail
env Environment variables for the test executable. Can contains variables related to pattern and variables related to the process's environment variables (Ex.: ${os_env:PATH}). Detail
envFile File containing environment variables for the test executable. (JSON object or .env file) Detail
executionWrapper Specifies an executor which wraps the executions. Useful for emulators. Detail
sourceFileMap Replaces the key with the value in the souce file path. Detail
dependsOn Array of (relative / absolute) paths / glob pattern (string[]). If a related file is changed/created/deleted and autorun is enabled in "..." menu it will run the related executables. Detail
runTask Tasks to run before running/debugging tests. The task should be defined like any other task in vscode (e.g. in tasks.json). If the task exits with a non-zero code, execution of tests will be halted. Detail
parallelizationLimit The variable maximize the number of the parallel execution of one executable instance. Note: testMate.cpp.test.parallelExecutionLimit is a global limit. Detail
strictPattern Test loading fails if one of the files matched by pattern is not a test executable. (Helps noticing unexpected crashes/problems under test loading.)
markAsSkipped If true then all the tests related to the pattern are skipped. They can be run manually though.
executableCloning If enabled it creates a copy of the test executable before listing or running the tests. NOTE: discovery (--help) still uses the original file.
debug.configTemplate Sets the necessary debug configurations and the debug button will work.
executableSuffixToInclude Filter files based on suffix for faster discovery.
waitForBuildProcess Prevents the extension of auto-reloading. With this linking failure might can be avoided. Can be true to use a default pattern that works for most cases, or a string to pass your own search pattern (regex) for processes.
catch2 Object with framework specific settings. Detail
gtest Object with framework specific settings. Detail
doctest Object with framework specific settings. Detail
gbenchmark Object with framework specific settings. Detail

The pattern (or the executables used as string or an array of strings) can contain search-pattern. Also it can contain variables related to the process's environment variables (Ex.: ${os_env:PATH}).

Test executables and patterns are being watched. In case of one recompiles it will try to preserve the test states. If compilation reaches timeout it will drop the suite (testMate.cpp.discovery.defaultWatchTimeoutSec).

Note that there is a mechanism which will filter out every possible executable which:

  • on windows: NOT ends with .exe, .cmd or .bat.
  • on other platforms: ends with one of the following: '.a', '.bat', '.c', '.cc', '.cmake', '.cpp', '.cxx', '.deb', '.dir', '.gz', '.h', '.hpp', '.hxx', '.in', '.input', '.ko', '.log', '.md', '.mm', '.o', '.pc', '.php', '.pyc', '.rpm', '.so', '.tar', '.txt', '.vcxproj.user', '.xml'.
  • inside a sub-folder called: _deps. Except when it is explicitly contained by the pattern.

It won't filter out '.sh', '.py' (etc.) files, so that could be used for wrappers.

If the pattern is too general like out/**/*test*, it could cause unexpected executable or script execution (with --help argument) which would not just increase the test-loading duration but also could have other unexpected effects. I suggest to have a stricter file-name convention and a corresponding pattern like out/**/*.test.* or out/**/Test.*


Applies a simple search and replace for the file paths. It resolves variables


  "testMate.test.advancedExecutables": [{
    "pattern": "<default pattern>",
    "sourceFileMap": {
      "/path/to/be/replaced/": "/path/I/want/to/use/",
      "/other-path-to-resolve/": "${workspaceFolder}/"


  • ℹ️Executables found by pattern are automatically watched, don't need to add them to dependsOn.
  • If "Enable autorun" is enabled in "..." menu (next to the play button), it will trigger the related test suites by detecting the recompilation of the executable.
  • It accumulates events with the following strategy: waiting for 2 seconds after the last event.
  • Works flawlessly with paths/patterns inside of the workspace directory (Usually there is no reason to keep your executables outside of the workspace. See.),
  • but have some issue/limitation with paths/patterns outside of the workspace directory:
    • Theoretically is should support glob patterns, but it seem there is an issue with double star (**).
    • Paths on different drive in the same dependsOn array maybe won't work.
    • (If you find another corner case, feel free to open an issue. It could be handy once in the future.)


Probably your best option if your executables need some initinalization of enviroment. Use it with dependsOn and then in case the envFile changes the tests will be retired.

Example envFile content:

  "MYVAR": "my value"

Simple example:

  "testMate.test.advancedExecutables": [{
    "pattern": "<default pattern>",
    "envFile": "out/env.json", // or "out/my.env"
    "dependsOn": "out/env.json"

Advanced example:

  "testMate.test.advancedExecutables": [{
    "pattern": "<default pattern>",
    "envFile": "${relPath}.env.json",
    "dependsOn": "${relPath}.env.json"


Property Description
darwin Overrides the parent's properties on the given OS.
linux Overrides the parent's properties on the given OS.
win32 Overrides the parent's properties on the given OS.


  "testMate.test.advancedExecutables": [{
    "pattern": "<default pattern>",
    "darwin": { "pattern":"<value on mac>" },
    "win32": { "pattern":"<value on win>" },
    "linux": { "pattern":"<value on linux>" }


"testMate.cpp.test.advancedExecutables": ["dir/test1.exe", "dir/test2.exe"]
"testMate.cpp.test.advancedExecutables": {
  "name": "${filename}",
  "description": "${relDirpath}/",
  "pattern": "{build,Build,BUILD,out,Out,OUT}/**/*{test,Test,TEST}*",
  "cwd": "${absDirpath}",
  "env": {
    "ExampleENV1": "You can use variables here too, like ${absPath}",
    "PATH": "${os_env:PATH}${osPathEnvSep}/adding/new/item/to/PATH/env"
"testMate.cpp.test.advancedExecutables": [
    "name": "Test1 suite",
    "pattern": "dir/test.exe"
    "pattern": "${os_env:HOME}/dir2/{t,T}est",
    "cwd": "out/tmp",
    "env": {}


which can be used in cwd and env of executables:

Variable Description
${absPath} Absolute path of the test executable. Supports array indexing.
${relPath} Relative path of the test executable to the workspace folder. Supports array indexing.
${absDirpath} Absolute path of the test executable's parent directory. Supports array indexing.
${relDirpath} Relative path of the test executable's parent directory to the workspace folder. Supports array indexing.
${filename} Filename (Path without directories; "d/a.b.c" => "a.b.c") Supports array indexing.
${baseFilename} Filename without extension ("d/a.b.c" => "a.b")
${extFilename} Filename extension. ("d/a.b.c" => ".c")
${workspaceFolder} Supports array indexing.
${workspaceName} Workspace name can be custom in case of workspace file.
${cwd} The resolved executables's cwd. Can be used only in env. Supports array indexing.
${os_env:<varname>} Resolves it to the given(<varname>) environment variable if exists empty string otherwise. Can be used everywhere. On Windows it is case insensitive: ${os_env:pAtH} == ${os_env:PATH}
${os_env_strict:<varname>} Resolves it to the given(<varname>) environment variable if exists won't set the variable othewise. Can be used ONLY in env.
${osPathSep} / on Linux and macOS, \ on Windows.
${osPathEnvSep} : on Linux and macOS, ; on Windows.
${config:<varname>} Resolves it to the given(<varname>) vscode config variable. Can be used everywhere.

Array indexing: (?:\[(-?[0-9]+)?:(-?[0-9]+)?\])?. Example: ${relPath[:-2]}: 'a/b/c/d' -> 'a/b'

Framework specific settings

Under property: catch2, gtest, doctest.

One can fine-tune framework related behaviour.

Property Description
testGrouping Groups the tests inside the executable. Detail
helpRegex A javascript regex which will be used to recognise the framework. Flags: su. Detail
prependTestRunningArgs Additinal argument array passed to the executable when it is called for testing. Good for experimental features like ["--benchmark-samples", "10"]. Detail
prependTestListingArgs Additinal argument array passed to the executable when it is called for test listing. (Discouraged. Try to use environment variables to pass values.) Detail
ignoreTestEnumerationStdErr If false (or undefined) and there are something on stderr then test-listing will fail. Otherwise it will ignore the stderr and test listing will try to parse the stdout. Detail
debug.enableOutputColouring Sets the colouring of the output for debug session.
failIfExceedsLimitNs Sets cpu_time limit for gbenchmark. (unit: nanoseconds)

If the regex is too general it will mach all the executables❗️ One should avoid that❗️

Note .* matches \n


In case of gtest the helpRegex' the first capture should be the value of GTEST_FLAG_PREFIX. For example:

  • --gtest_list_tests + --(\w+)list_tests -> gtest_

In case if catch2 and doctest the first, second and third captures are the version number's major, minor and patch values. For example:

  • Catch v2.11.1 + /Catch v(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\s?/ -> [2, 11, 1]


As the name says test enumeraton will ignore std::err output. Having content from std::err in when the tests are enumerated is usually indicates some error but sometimes just some basic output from one of the components. The usage of this feature is discouraged because it can hide some real issue. (Usually logging libraries allows custom sinks and with a custom main this can be solved.)


  "testMate.cpp.test.advancedExecutables": [
      "pattern": "{build,Build,BUILD,out,Out,OUT}/**/*{test,Test,TEST}*",
      "gtest":   { "ignoreTestEnumerationStdErr": true }


It is undocumented. Contact me by opening an issue or read the code a bit.

  "testMate.cpp.test.advancedExecutables": [
      "pattern": "{build,Build,BUILD,out,Out,OUT}/**/*{test,Test,TEST}*",
      "catch2": {
        "testGrouping": {
          "groupByExecutable": {
Property Description
groupByLabel Groups tests by the given label. Detail
groupByExecutable Groups tests by the executable file. Detail
groupBySource It sorts the tests by the related source file group. (${sourceRelPath}, ${sourceAbsPath}). Detail
groupByTags True to group by every exiting combination of the tags. ({$tag}) Or it can be an array of tags: ["[tag1]["tag2"]", "tag2", "tag3"] Detail
groupByTagRegex Groups tests by the first match group of the first matching regex. (${match}, ${match_lowercased}, ${match_upperfirst}) Example: ["(?:good|bad) (apple|peach)"] will create 2 groups and put the matched tests inside it. Hint: Grouping starting with "?:" won't count as a match group. Detail
groupByRegex Groups tests by the first match group of the first matching regex. (${match}, ${match_lowercased}, ${match_upperfirst}) Example: ["(?:good|bad) (apple|peach)"] will create 2 groups and put the matched tests inside it. Hint: Grouping starting with "?:" won't count as a match group. Detail
groupUngroupedTo If a test is not groupable it will be grouped by the given name. Detail

TestGrouping examples

Note: This example overused it.

  "testMate.cpp.test.advancedExecutables": [
      "pattern": "{build,Build,BUILD,out,Out,OUT}/**/*{test,Test,TEST}*",
      "catch2": {
        "testGrouping": {
          "groupByExecutable": {
            "label": "${filename}",
            "description": "${relDirpath}/",
            "groupBySource": {
              "label": "Source: ${sourceRelPath[2:]}",
              "groupByTags": {
                "tags": [],
                "label": "[${tag}]"
      "gtest": {
        "testGrouping": {
          "groupByExecutable": {
            "label": "${filename}",
            "description": "${relDirpath}/",
            "groupByTags": {
              "tags": [],
              "label": "[${tag}]",
              "groupBySource": {
                "label": "📝${sourceRelPath[2:]}",
                "groupUngroupedTo": "📝unknown source file"
      "doctest": {
        "testGrouping": {
          "groupByExecutable": {
            "label": "${filename}",
            "description": "${relDirpath}/",
            "groupByRegex": {
              "regexes": ["(suite..)"],
              "label": "just ${match}"
"testMate.cpp.test.advancedExecutables": [
    "pattern": "{build,Build,BUILD,out,Out,OUT}/**/*{test,Test,TEST}*",
    "catch2": {
      "testGrouping": {
        "groupBySource": "[-3:]",
        "groupByTags": true, // or [["1","2"],["2"],["3"]],
        "groupByRegex": [ "(apple|peach)" ],
        "groupUngroupedTo": "ungrouped"
    "gtest": {
      "testGrouping": {
        "groupBySource": "[-3:-1]",
        "groupByRegex": [ "(?:good|bad) (apple|peach)" ]
    "doctest": {
      "testGrouping": {
        "groupBySource": "[-1]",
        "groupByRegex": ["apple", "peach"]


  • ${cmd}
  • ${argsFlat}: Example: ["pre", "${argsFlat}", "post"] -> ["pre", "$1", "$2", ..., "$x", "post"]
  • ${argsStr}: Example: ["pre", "pre ${argsStr} post", "post"] -> ["pre", " pre \"$1\" \"$2\" ... \"$x\" post", "post"]


This is useful if stderr/std::cerr is missing:

"executionWrapper": {
  "path": "/bin/sh",
  "args": [ "-c", "\"${cmd}\" ${argsStr} 2>&1" ]
"executionWrapper": {
  "path": "emulator.exe",
  "args": [ "${cmd}", "${argsFlat}" ]


  • before
  • beforeEach
  • after
  • afterEach
"testMate.cpp.test.advancedExecutables": [
    "pattern": "{build,Build,BUILD,out,Out,OUT}/**/*{test,Test,TEST}*",
    "runTask": {
      "before": [ "taskName in tasks.json" ]

running the same executable with different env values

"testMate.cpp.test.advancedExecutables": [
    "name": "${filename} [APPLE=1]",
    "pattern": "{build,Build,BUILD,out,Out,OUT}/**/*{test,Test,TEST}*",
    "env":{ "APPLE": "1" }
    "name": "${filename} [APPLE=2]",
    "pattern": "{build,Build,BUILD,out,Out,OUT}/**/*{test,Test,TEST}*",
    "env":{ "APPLE": "2" }