[go: nahoru, domu]

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✱ Minimal Result/Monad like tuples for JS ── zero-dependency


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Result/Monad like tuples for JS

unwrap promises safely with minimum footprint

── ╶╴╶╴╶╴╶╴╶╴╶╴╶╴ ──

📦 Extremely Small

🧬 Lifecycle Hooks

🎯 Concise Signature

💠 Group Side Effects

try/catch HELL 👹

🌟 Better Visibility and Control

🌐 Works in ESM & CJS

✱ Minimal Obsessive Disorder


pcall.js is heavily inspired by

🔹 Lua pcall status, res

🔹 Elixir/Erlang Result Monad {:ok/:error, reason/value}

🔹 Rust Result<T, E>

🔹 Go []error

with superpowers 🦄!


pcall({f}, {arg1}, {...})

[err, res]

pcall() Calls function {f} with the given arguments in protected mode.

This means that any error inside {f} is not propagated;

Instead, pcall catches the error and returns a tuple.

Its first element is the err object,

Which is null if the call succeeds without errors.

And all results from the call, on second element; [null, {res}]


# install
npm install pcall.js
// ESM
import Pcall from 'pcall.js'

// CJS
const Pcall = require('pcall.js')
const [err, res] = await Pcall(asyncFn, a, b, c, /* ··· */)
const pcall = new Pcall({
  onSuccess: console.log,
  onFailure: console.error,
  onFinally: console.info,
  timeout: 30_000,
  transformOnSuccess: (res) => res,
  transformOnFailure: (err) => err,
  noTrace: false
const [err, res] = await pcall(asyncFn, a, b, c, /* ··· */)
:Fulfill [null, res]
:Reject  [err, null]


import { readFile } from 'node:fs/promises'

try {
  const res = await readFile('./package.json', { encoding: 'utf8' })
} catch(error) {
  console.error(error, '🔥')

// ─────────────────
import Pcall from 'pcall.js'
const [err, res] = await Pcall(readFile, './package.json', { encoding: 'utf8' })

err && throw new Error("XYZZY", { cause: err });

// ─────────────────
// 🔸 MOCK
// const readJson = new Pcall({
//   fn: readFile,
//   args: [{ encoding: 'utf8' }],
//   transformOnSuccess: (res) => JSON.parse(res),
//   transformOnFailure: (err) => err.message,
// })
// const path = 'test/sample-good.json'
// const res = await readJson(path)
// log(res.hogo) // fuga


import { readFile } from 'node:fs/promises'
import Pcall from 'pcall.js'

const pcall = new Pcall({
  onSuccess: console.log,
  onFailure: console.error,
  onFinally: (args, func, span) => { /* 💣 💣 💥 */ },
  transformOnSuccess: (res) => res,
  transformOnFailure: (err) => err,
  timeout: 30_000,
  noTrace: false,

const path = './package.json'
const opts = { encoding: 'utf8' }

const [err, res] = await pcall(readFile, path, opts)

💡 Check test/ files for more examples


# run test playground in watch mode
npm run dev

# build production
npm run build

# build stub
npm run build:stub


  • 🌀 Lifecycle Hooks
  • [.] 🔌 Serializer
  • [.] 🧬 Parser
  • [.] 📜 JSDoc
  • [.] 🔧 ESLint
  • [o] 📖 Docs
  • [o] ⚠️ Tests
  • [o] 💡 Examples
